
问题描述 投票:3回答:2

考虑一个3 x 3 x 3立方体,其中27个元素中的每一个都沿着面连接到其他元素。立方体形状的元件具有6个侧面,因此每个元件最多可以有6个连接(例如,3×3×3立方体中的最中心元素由6个元素限定,并且具有6个连接)。

然后,让m1m2m3分别成为立方体的第一层,第二层和第三层。每个元素的名称是xyz,其中xyz是元素的行号,列号和层号。例如,元素213位于多维数据集的第二行,第一列和第三层。此元素与其他4个元素相连:其中三个元素(113, 313, 223),一个元素位于其上方(212)。

x = 3 # nrow
y = 3 # ncol
z = 3 # nlay

# print each layer as a 2D matrix
for(k in 1:z){
  m = paste0(rep(1:x, each=x), rep(1:y, times = y), k)
  print(matrix(m, nrow=x, byrow=T))

     [,1]  [,2]  [,3] 
[1,] "111" "121" "131"
[2,] "211" "221" "231"
[3,] "311" "321" "331"
     [,1]  [,2]  [,3] 
[1,] "112" "122" "132"
[2,] "212" "222" "232"
[3,] "312" "322" "332"
     [,1]  [,2]  [,3] 
[1,] "113" "123" "133"
[2,] "213" "223" "233"
[3,] "313" "323" "333"

Is there an out-of-the-box function in igraph or a related package for creating either an adjacency matrix OR an edge list for a network like this? I need a solution that scales to any number of rows, columns, and layers. Python solutions are welcome.

我手动创建了2D邻接矩阵,其中行和列由下面的c(m1, m2, m3)给出:

m1 = paste0(rep(1:x, each=x), rep(1:y, times = y), 1)
m2 = paste0(rep(1:x, each=x), rep(1:y, times = y), 2)
m3 = paste0(rep(1:x, each=x), rep(1:y, times = y), 3)
c(m1, m2, m3)
 [1] "111" "121" "131" "211" "221" "231" "311" "321" "331" "112" "122" "132" "212" "222" "232" "312" "322" "332"
[19] "113" "123" "133" "213" "223" "233" "313" "323" "333"


enter image description here


structure(c(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 
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0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), .Dim = c(27L, 
27L), .Dimnames = list(c("111", "121", "131", "211", "221", "231", 
"311", "321", "331", "112", "122", "132", "212", "222", "232", 
"312", "322", "332", "113", "123", "133", "213", "223", "233", 
"313", "323", "333"), c("111", "121", "131", "211", "221", "231", 
"311", "321", "331", "112", "122", "132", "212", "222", "232", 
"312", "322", "332", "113", "123", "133", "213", "223", "233", 
"313", "323", "333")))
python r networkx igraph adjacency-matrix


cube_mat = expand.grid(
    x = 1:3,
    y = 1:3,
    z = 1:3

m_dist = as.matrix(dist(cube_mat[, 1:3], method = "manhattan", diag = TRUE))
# Zero out any distances != 1
m_dist[m_dist != 1] = 0
rownames(m_dist) = paste0(cube_mat$x, cube_mat$y, cube_mat$z)
colnames(m_dist) = paste0(cube_mat$x, cube_mat$y, cube_mat$z)
# Plot of the adjacency matrix (looks reversed because 111 is in the bottom left):


如果你想使用qazxsw poi的包函数:


通常,您可以使用igraph包中的函数在边缘列表,邻接矩阵之间进行操作,还可以使用#adj <- my.adjacency.matrix as_edgelist(graph.adjacency(adj)) 生成图形。这是默认的多维数据集:



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