使用 gnuplot 绘制可变长度数据的多重图

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这里我有两个数据文件,其中包含模型参数和为它们计算的 RMSE。我想为每个模型分别绘制这些 RMSE,并在其上显示该模型。



20         ! # models
1 0.1      ! Theta inc.
3 4 7      ! Approximations
2          ! # layers
GK         ! model name
1.0 1.5    ! X-axis values (length varies for other models)
1.0 1.5    ! Y-axis values (length varies for other models)
1.0 1.5 
1.5 1.0 
2.0 3.0 3.5 4.0
2.5 1.0 0.8 1.3
1.5  1.8  1.9  2.0  2.1  2.2
0.25 0.40 0.60 0.20 0.50 0.55


#   TKfull   GKfull   Padefull_3   Padefull_7   TK1   Pade1_3   Pade1_7  Pade2_3   Pade2_7   GK1   Pade3_3   Pade3_7   GK2   PadeEnd_3 PadeEnd_7   GKEnd
GK                  0.071     0.028     0.025     0.156     0.023     0.004    0.045     0.012     0.232     0.013     0.090     0.492     0.064   0.064     0.384     0.046
GK_MOD1             0.055     0.030     0.053     0.156     0.012     0.008    0.036     0.050     0.185     0.025     0.169     0.497     0.107   0.125     0.375     0.075
GK_MOD2             0.132     0.042     0.081     0.209     0.035     0.006    0.050     0.051     0.277     0.036     0.267     0.625     0.116   0.192     0.484     0.079
GK_MOD3             0.261     0.067     0.316     0.267     0.066     0.021    0.078     0.138     0.426     0.063     1.137     0.855     0.161   0.810     0.662     0.106
Song                0.082     0.045     0.042     0.163     0.021     0.005    0.027     0.028     0.151     0.050     0.130     0.486     0.156   0.094     0.360     0.106
Song_MOD1           0.087     0.049     0.069     0.171     0.013     0.006    0.025     0.037     0.148     0.051     0.216     0.520     0.175   0.155     0.382     0.120
Song_MOD2           0.109     0.048     0.028     0.179     0.021     0.005    0.030     0.024     0.170     0.048     0.084     0.527     0.161   0.062     0.391     0.110
Song_MOD3           0.073     0.043     0.029     0.145     0.017     0.003    0.024     0.018     0.134     0.049     0.092     0.440     0.156   0.066     0.325     0.105
Cooper_basin        0.031     0.034     0.030     0.105     0.012     0.003    0.016     0.018     0.085     0.055     0.089     0.306   0.139     0.065     0.228     0.093
Cooper_basin_MOD1   0.035     0.017     0.024     0.093     0.016     0.006     0.031     0.034     0.151     0.042     0.083     0.297   0.076     0.063     0.236     0.047
Cooper_basin_MOD2   0.049     0.032     0.032     0.134     0.013     0.005     0.029     0.030     0.150     0.040     0.102     0.412   0.111     0.076     0.312     0.077
Causse2000_1        0.030     0.019     0.020     0.093     0.012     0.004     0.024     0.022     0.121     0.035     0.062     0.286   0.081     0.047     0.219     0.053
Causse2000_2        0.068     0.038     0.014     0.146     0.017     0.001     0.028     0.007     0.151     0.043     0.047     0.444   0.130     0.033     0.332     0.089
Causse2000_3        0.042     0.036     0.023     0.083     0.015     0.005     0.008     0.023     0.156     0.049     0.065     0.195   0.132 0.049     0.177     0.089
Causse2000_4        0.039     0.046     0.046     0.109     0.016     0.003     0.024     0.011     0.049     0.053     0.137     0.318   0.158     0.099     0.230     0.108
Dunkin_1973         0.653     0.641     0.656     0.686     0.703     0.703     0.725     0.239     0.471     0.059     0.434     0.632   0.140     0.353     0.557     0.093
Dunkin_1973_MOD1    0.708     0.624     0.708     0.709     0.694     0.692     0.692     0.760     0.761     0.042     0.785     0.792   0.104     0.773     0.777     0.070
Dunkin_1973_MOD2    0.043     0.029     0.026     0.118     0.050     0.004     0.025     0.023     0.130     0.039     0.082     0.357   0.105     0.061     0.270     0.072
Dunkin_1973_MOD3    0.012     0.014     0.005     0.066     0.011     0.001     0.022     0.002     0.102     0.032     0.017     0.210   0.070     0.012     0.165     0.046
Random              0.033     0.039     0.042     0.114     0.013     0.001     0.017     0.014     0.096     0.047     0.138     0.361   0.140   0.099     0.268     0.097

使用此代码转置数据文件 2,然后通过以下脚本绘制 RMSE 值,如图所示。

Gnuplot 脚本

set terminal png size 800,500 enhanced font "Helvetica,20"
set output 'output.png'

red = "#FF0000"; green = "#00FF00"; blue = "#0000FF"; skyblue = 
set yrange [0:2]
set style data histogram
set style histogram cluster gap 1
set style fill solid
set boxwidth 0.9
set xtics format ""
set grid ytics
set xtics rotate by 90 right
set title "A Sample Bar Chart"
plot "RMSE_transpose.dat" using 2:xtic(1) title "GK " linecolor rgb red



  1. 如何从所有模型的数据文件中获取这样的图, 即 GK、GK_MOD1、GK_MOD2 等,其中单个图像具有模型 name为文件名,如GK_RMSE.png、GK_MOD1_RMSE.png等

  2. 如何在每个条形顶部显示Y轴值?

  3. 我应该在 Gnuplot 脚本中修改什么才能获得按行和 数据文件 2 中的按列绘图?

gnuplot subplot variable-length-array


正如评论中提到的,gnuplot 不喜欢行中的数据。因此,以原始格式绘制 file1 需要一些额外的行。


  • 将列标签和行标签放入变量中(
  • 循环这些字符串/列表(检查
    help word
  • 为了绘制 file1 中的 x,y 行,请将行转换为字符串
  • 使用特殊文件
    help special-filenames
  • 也许绘图风格
    with histeps


help ...


您可以自己回答问题 2 作为作业:请参阅 如何在条形图中每个条形顶部显示实际值?


(x、y 值后不允许有文本)

20         ! # models
1 0.1      ! Theta inc.
3 4 7      ! Approximations
2          ! # layers
GK         ! model name
1.0 1.5
1.0 1.5
1.0 1.5 
1.5 1.0 
2.0 3.0 3.5 4.0
2.5 1.0 0.8 1.3
1.5  1.8  1.9  2.0  2.1  2.2
0.25 0.40 0.60 0.20 0.50 0.55


#   TKfull   GKfull   Padefull_3   Padefull_7   TK1   Pade1_3   Pade1_7  Pade2_3   Pade2_7   GK1   Pade3_3   Pade3_7   GK2   PadeEnd_3 PadeEnd_7   GKEnd
GK                  0.071     0.028     0.025     0.156     0.023     0.004    0.045     0.012     0.232     0.013     0.090     0.492     0.064   0.064     0.384     0.046
GK_MOD1             0.055     0.030     0.053     0.156     0.012     0.008    0.036     0.050     0.185     0.025     0.169     0.497     0.107   0.125     0.375     0.075
Song                0.082     0.045     0.042     0.163     0.021     0.005    0.027     0.028     0.151     0.050     0.130     0.486     0.156   0.094     0.360     0.106
Causse2000_1        0.030     0.019     0.020     0.093     0.012     0.004     0.024     0.022     0.121     0.035     0.062     0.286   0.081     0.047     0.219     0.053


### create graphs from row/column headers 
### and graph inset from second file with row-wise data
reset session

FILE1 = "SO/SO77228821_1.dat"
FILE2 = "SO/SO77228821_2.dat"

# get all row-labels and column-labels
set datafile commentschar ''
set datafile separator "\n"
rowLabels = ''
stats FILE2 u ($0==0? colLabels=strcol(1)[2:] : rowLabels=rowLabels.' '.word(strcol(1),1)) nooutput
set datafile separator whitespace

rowLabel(i) = word(rowLabels,i)
colLabel(i) = word(colLabels,i)

FileOut(s) = sprintf("SO/SO77228821_%s_RMSE.png",s)

set boxwidth 0.7
set style fill solid 0.3
set key noautotitle

set term pngcairo size 640,384 font ",10"

# create graphs by rowLabel
do for [row=1:words(rowLabels)] {
    set output FileOut(rowLabel(row))
    set multiplot
        set size 1,1
        set origin 0,0
        set xrange[*:*]
        set yrange[0:*]
        set offset 0.5,0.5,0,0
        set xtic rotate by 90 right noenhanced
        set title rowLabel(row) noenhanced
        plot for [i=1:words(colLabels)] FILE2 every ::row-1::row-1 u (i+1):colLabel(i):xtic(colLabel(i)) w boxes lc "red" notitle

        set datafile separator "\n"
        stats FILE1 u (word(strcol(1),1) eq rowLabel(row) ? c=$0 : 0, c+1==$0 ? Xs=strcol(1) : c+2==$0 ? Ys=strcol(1) : 0 ) nooutput
        set datafile separator whitespace
        set xrange[word(Xs,1):word(Xs,words(Xs))]
        set yrange[0:*] 
        set offset 0,0,0,0
        set xtic rotate by 0 center
        set samples words(Xs)
        set size 0.4,0.4
        set origin 0.08,0.45
        unset title
        plot '+' u (i=int($0+1),x0=real(word(Xs,i))):(y0=real(word(Ys,i))) w histeps lc "blue" lw 2
    unset multiplot
    set size 1,1
    set origin 0,0

# create graphs by colLabel
do for [col=1:words(colLabels)] {
    set output FileOut(colLabel(col))
    set title colLabel(col) noenhanced
    set xrange[*:*]
    set yrange[0:*]
    plot FILE2 u 0:col+1:xtic(1) w boxes lc "web-green" notitle
set output
### end of script


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