如何在syncfusion vue js数据网格中使用计算字段。

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如何在syncfusion vue js数据网格中使用计算值?


Suppose I have 5 column as QUANTITY, MRP, DISCOUNT, DISCOUNTED PRICE, TOTAL.I want to calculate DISCOUNTED PRICE from given values MRP and DISCOUNT.And also want to calculate TOTAL from given value QUANTITY and DISCOUNTED PRICE.

我如何才能实现这一点在syncfusion vue js databgrid?谢谢你的帮助。

vue.js syncfusion

https:/vuejs.orgv2guidecomputed.html您可以阅读关于默认的vue计算值,并添加 v-bind:value='computedProperty' 到你需要计算的单元格。如果你给一个沙盒与你的代码,我会尽量帮助你更多。



var templateGrid = Vue.component('ShowerTemplateList', { template: <ejs-grid ref='grid' id='grid' :dataSource="data" :columns='columns' :editSettings='editSettings' :toolbar='toolbar' :queryCellInfo='queryCellInfo' :actionComplete='actionComplete'> </ejs-grid> , data: function () { return { data: new ej.data.DataManager({ url: "/Home/UrlDatasourceone", updateUrl: "Home/Updateone", insertUrl: "Home/Insertone", removeUrl: "Home/Removeone", adaptor: new ejs.data.UrlAdaptor() }), columns: [ { field: 'OrderID', headerText: 'ID', isPrimaryKey: true, width: 100 }, { field: 'Quantity', headerText: 'Quantity', width: 100 }, { field: 'MRP', headerText: 'MRP', width: 100 }, { field: 'Discount', headerText: 'Discount', width: 100 }, { field: 'Discountprice', headerText: 'Discount price', width: 100 }, { field: 'Total', headerText: 'Total', width: 100 } ], editSettings: { allowEditing: true, allowAdding: true, allowDeleting: true, mode: "Normal" }, toolbar: ["Add", "Edit", "Delete", "Update", "Cancel"] } }, methods: { actionComplete: function (args) { if (args.requestType === "beginEdit") { var grid = document.getElementsByClassName("e-grid")[0] .ej2_instances[0]; grid.editModule.formObj.element[1].addEventListener("keyup", function ( e ) { var grid = document.getElementsByClassName("e-grid")[0] .ej2_instances[0]; var Totalquantity = +e.target.value; var GivenMrp = +grid.editModule.formObj.element[2].value; var Discount = +grid.editModule.formObj.element[3].value; var offerprice = (GivenMrp * Discount) / 100; var Res = GivenMrp - offerprice; grid.editModule.formObj.element[5].value = Res * Totalquantity; }); grid.editModule.formObj.element[2].addEventListener("keyup", function ( e ) { //For calculating price var grid = document.getElementsByClassName("e-grid")[0] .ej2_instances[0]; var GivenMrp = +e.target.value; var Totalquantity = grid.editModule.formObj.element[1].value; var Discount = +grid.editModule.formObj.element[3].value; var offerprice = (GivenMrp * Discount) / 100; var discountprice = GivenMrp - offerprice; grid.editModule.formObj.element[4].value = discountprice; grid.editModule.formObj.element[5].value = Totalquantity * discountprice; }); grid.editModule.formObj.element[3].addEventListener("keyup", function ( e ) { var grid = document.getElementsByClassName("e-grid")[0] .ej2_instances[0]; var discount = +e.target.value; var GivenMrp = +grid.editModule.formObj.element[2].value; var Totalquantity = grid.editModule.formObj.element[1].value; var offerprice = (GivenMrp * discount) / 100; var prc = GivenMrp - offerprice; grid.editModule.formObj.element[4].value = prc; grid.editModule.formObj.element[5].value = Totalquantity * prc; }); } }, queryCellInfo: function (args) { if (args.column.field === "Discountprice") { //the querycellinfo triggers for every cell rendering var discount = (args.data.MRP * args.data.Discount) / 100; var discountprice = args.data.MRP - discount; args.data.Discountprice = discountprice; //here we have calculated the discount price and updated the value to datasource args.cell.innerText = discountprice; //here we have set the discount price to the cell value for UI changes } if (args.column.field === "Total") { var discountprice = (args.data.Discountprice * args.data.Quantity); args.data.Total = discountprice; //here we have calculated the Total price and updated the value to datasource args.cell.innerText = discountprice; //here we have set the Total price to the cell value for UI changes } } } });

样品。 https:/www.syncfusion.comdownloadssupportforum154221ze1542211673557847.zip



Rajapandiyan S

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