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如果我运行这段代码寻找"_T",就能完美地工作。所有以 _T 开头的工作簿命名范围都是 #REF!#REF,现在有了正确的范围,它们对应的工作表命名范围被删除了。然而,如果我运行这个寻找"_X",工作簿命名的范围就不会改变。我很困惑。我甚至尝试了另一种方法,即手动删除所有以 _X 开头的当前工作簿命名的范围,然后以编程方式尝试使用以下方法添加它们 ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=newNm,RefersTo:=nm.RefersTo 也没有任何作用(甚至没有添加新记录)。


Sub WStoWBscope()

Dim nm As Name, Ans As Integer, newNm As String, fltr As String

fltr = "_X" 'search string

For Each nm In ActiveWorkbook.Names                'look at all named ranges within the current workbook
    If nm.Name Like "X!*" Then                     'looks for worksheet scoped named range that has the correct range
        If InStr(1, nm.Name, fltr) > 0 Then
            newNm = Replace(nm.Name, "X!", "")     'save name of existing workbook named range
            Range(nm.RefersTo).Name = newNm        'overwrite workbook named range with proper range
            nm.Delete                              'deletes worksheet named range
        End If
    End If
Next nm
End Sub


excel vba named-ranges


Sub ConvertWorksheetNamedRangesToWorkbookNamedRanges()
    Dim nName As Name
    'Loop Through each named Range
    For Each nName In ActiveWorkbook.Names
        'Is Name scoped at the Workbook level?
        If TypeOf nName.Parent Is Workbook Then

        End If
        'Is Name scoped at the Worksheet level?
        If TypeOf nName.Parent Is Worksheet Then
            ' If nm.Name Like "X!*" Then .....
            ' Do the filtering you need
            ' ....
                Dim sName As String
                sName = nName.Name 'Save the name of the name
                Dim rngName As Range
                Set rngName = Range(nName) ' Save the range of the name
                nName.delete    ' Delete the name
                'Create a new one on workbook scope
                ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=sName, RefersToR1C1:="=" & rngName.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1)
            ' End If
        End If
    Next nName
End Sub



Dim nm As Name, Ans As Integer, newNm As String, fltr As String, rngName As Range

'Filter named ranges that contain specific phrase
fltr = "_X"

'Search for all names in the workbook
For Each nm In ActiveWorkbook.Names
    'Search within those named ranges by those that have a specific worksheet scope
    If nm.Name Like "X!*" Then
        'Search for the named ranges of a type set by your filter (fltr)
        If InStr(1, nm.Name, fltr) > 0 Then
            'Take the full name [Scope]+[named range] and remove the scope
            newNm = Replace(nm.Name, "X!", "")
            'save the original range used by the worksheet-scoped named range 
            Set rngName = Range(nm)
            'delete the worksheet-scoped named range
            'Create/Overwrite a workbook-scoped named range (this does overwrite any workbook-scoped named ranges that are the same name with #REF!#REF )
            ThisWorkbook.Names.Add Name:=newNm, RefersToR1C1:="=" & rngName.Address(ReferenceStyle:=xlR1C1)
        End If
    End If
Next nm
End Sub
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