
问题描述 投票:0回答:2



 * Constructor for the card. If damageDone and mana are negative they are replaced by 1 
 * (not the best solution but the good enough until we cover exception handling later in the 
 * semester). <br>
 * My solution length: 8 lines
 * @param manaCost - The amount of mana this spell costs to cast
 * @param damageDone - The amount of damage done by this card
 * @param name  - the name of this card

public Card(int manaCost, int damageDone, java.lang.String name) {
    if (damageDone < 0) {
        this.damageDone = 1;}
    else {this.damageDone = damageDone;}
    if (manaCost < 0) {
        this.manaCost = 1;}
    else {this.manaCost = manaCost;}
    this.name = name;}


public java.lang.String toString(){
    int count = 0;
    for (int index = 0; index < card.length; index++) {
        System.out.println(count + ": " + card[index]); 
    return "";}


public java.lang.String toString(){
    String output = "";
    for (int index = 0; index < card.length; index++) {
        output = output + card[index];
    return output;}


public class Deck {

    private Card[] card = new Card[100];

private int cardsRunning = 100;
static int DECKSIZE = 100;
static java.lang.String emailID = "MITNY013";
private boolean random = true;

 * Constructor for the Deck. Adds the following cards to the deck in the following order
 * 4x Super Lucky Strike, Damage 100, Mana 2 
 * 6x Mega Santa Hit, Damage 80, Mana 2
 * 10x Critical Hit, Damage 50, Mana 5
 * 10x Massive Strike, Damage 40, Mana 7
 * 15x Wrong Way Down A One Way Street, Damage 30, Mana 10
 * 15x Bender Rules Here, Damage 15, Mana 10
 * 40x Trade, Damage 5, Mana 5 <br>
 * My solution length: 16 lines (space lines not included)
 * @param random - Whether to turn on random features

public Deck(boolean random) {
    for (int index = 0; index <= 3; index++) {
        card[index] = new Card( 2, 100, "Lucky Strike");
    for (int index = 4; index <= 10; index++) {
        card[index] = new Card( 2, 80, "Santa Hit");
    for (int index = 11; index <= 20; index++) {
        card[index] = new Card( 5, 50, "Critical Hit");
    for (int index = 21; index <= 30; index++) {
        card[index] = new Card ( 7, 40, "Massive Strike");
    for (int index = 31; index <= 45; index++) {
        card[index] = new Card( 10, 30, "Wrong Way Down A One Way Street");
    for (int index = 46; index <= 60; index++) {
        card[index] = new Card( 10, 15, "Bender Rules Here");
    for (int index = 61; index <= 99; index++) {
        card[index] = new Card( 5, 5, "Trade");

 * Returns a string representation of the entire deck in the format
 * Deck [ 1:Card [name=Super Lucky Strike, manaCost=2, damageDone=100]
 *        2:Card [name=Super Lucky Strike, manaCost=2, damageDone=100]
 *        3:Card [name=Super Lucky Strike, manaCost=2, damageDone=100]
 *        4:Card [name=Super Lucky Strike, manaCost=2, damageDone=100]] <br>
 * My solution length: 7 lines
 * @overrides - toString in class java.lang.Object

public java.lang.String toString(){
    String output = "";
    for (int index = 0; index < card.length; index++) {
        output = output + card[index];
    return output;}

 * Uses a random number generator to get a card from the deck somewhere then swaps the 
 * last card in the deck to that position and reduces the cardsRemaining by one. 
 * This is important. if the random flag is false you should always get the card at 
 * position 0. When you swap the card out you should also set the old position to null 
 * for safety. <br>
 * My solution length: 10 lines
 * @return - the card drawn or null if no cards left in deck

public Card getRandomCard() {
    // use random number generator
    Random rand = new Random();
    int randomCardNo = rand.nextInt(getCardsRemaining());
    return card[randomCardNo];

 * Return the number of cards remaining in the deck.
 * My solution length: 6 lines
 * @return - the total cards remaining

public int getCardsRemaining() {
    int temp = 100;
    for (int index = 0; index < card.length; index++) {
        if ((card[index] == null) ) {
            temp = temp -1;
    cardsRunning = temp;
    return cardsRunning;}

 * BONUS Method
 * My solution length: XXX
 * @return - shuffle cards in deck 

public void shuffle(Card[] card) {
    int index; 
    Card temp;
    Random random = new Random();
    for (int i = card.length - 1; i > 0; i--){ 
        index = random.nextInt(i + 1);
        temp = card[index];
        card[index] = card[i];
        card[i] = temp;}}

private void removeCard(int no) {
    int size = card.length;
    Card[] newCard = new Card[size];
    int index = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (card[i] != null) {
            newCard[index++] = card[i];
java arrays tostring




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