
问题描述 投票:1回答:1




# Charge random data

# Create fake variable in order to create title into coloured box
mtcars$tempvar <- "My title"

# Run the ggboxplot
ggboxplot(mtcars, x = "cyl", y = "qsec", 
          color = "cyl", 
          palette = c("#E7B800", "#FC4E07",  "#00AFBB"),
          ylab = "cyl", xlab = "qsec",
          legend = "none") + 

 facet_grid(. ~ tempvar) +
  theme(strip.background = element_rect(fill="darkgreen"),
        strip.text = element_text(size=15, colour="white") )


所以我尝试从scale_color_manual()colorRampPalette(c("yellow", "green"))创建一个调色板并放入element_rect()但这不起作用。



r ggplot2 gradient

技术上?这可以做到。 (无论是图表搜索还是良好实践都是另一回事...)

p <- ggplot(mtcars, aes(mpg, drat)) + 
  geom_point() + 
  facet_grid(~"facet title") 

# basic demonstration
p +
  theme(strip.background = 
          element_gradient(fill1 = "black", fill2 = "white"))

# with different gradient direction & outline specifications
p +
  theme_minimal() +
  theme(strip.background = 
          element_gradient(fill1 = "brown", fill2 = "salmon",
                           direction = "vertical",
                           color = "white", size = 2,
                           linetype = "dotted"))

# with horizontal / vertical facets in different gradient directions
p + facet_grid("vertical title" ~ "horizontal facet title") +
  theme_classic() +
  theme(strip.background = element_gradient(fill1 = "green", fill2 = "yellow", size = 1),
        strip.background.y = element_gradient(direction = "vertical"))


1. Defining element_gradient as an alternative to element_rect:

element_gradient <- function(fill1 = NULL, fill2 = NULL, direction = NULL,
                             colour = NULL, size = NULL,
                             linetype = NULL, color = NULL, inherit.blank = FALSE) {
  if (!is.null(color))  colour <- color
    list(fill1 = fill1, fill2 = fill2, direction = direction,
         colour = colour, size = size, linetype = linetype,
         inherit.blank = inherit.blank),
    class = c("element_gradient", "element")

element_grob.element_gradient <- function(
  fill1 = "white", fill2 = "red", direction = "horizontal", # default: white-red gradient
  x = 0.5, y = 0.5, width = 1, height = 1, colour = NULL, 
  size = NULL, linetype = NULL, ...) {

  # define gradient colours & direction
  if(!is.null(element$fill1)) fill1 <- element$fill1
  if(!is.null(element$fill2)) fill2 <- element$fill2
  if(!is.null(element$direction)) direction <- element$direction  
  image <- colorRampPalette(c(fill1, fill2))(2)  
  if(direction == "horizontal") {
    image <- matrix(image, nrow = 1)
  } else {
    image <- matrix(image, ncol = 1)

  gp <- grid::gpar(lwd = ggplot2:::len0_null(size * .pt), col = colour, lty = linetype)
  element_gp <- grid::gpar(lwd = ggplot2:::len0_null(element$size * .pt), col = element$colour,
                     lty = element$linetype, fill = NA)  
    grid::rasterGrob(image, x, y, width, height, ...),
    grid::rectGrob(x, y, width, height, gp = utils::modifyList(element_gp, gp), ...))

2. Force ggplot to accept element_gradient instead of element_rect for strip.background / strip.background.x / strip.background.y:

# make a copy of ggplot's global variables / settings, & modify its element_tree
ggplot_global.new <- ggplot2:::ggplot_global
ggplot_global.new$element_tree$gradient <- ggplot2:::el_def("element_gradient")
ggplot_global.new$element_tree$strip.background <- ggplot2:::el_def("element_gradient", "gradient")
ggplot_global.new$element_tree$strip.background.x <- ggplot2:::el_def("element_gradient", "strip.background")
ggplot_global.new$element_tree$strip.background.y <- ggplot2:::el_def("element_gradient", "strip.background")

3. Force ggplot not to complain about it, by manually overriding its checks:


  1. 运行trace(ggplot2:::merge_element.element, edit = TRUE)并替换
if (!inherits(new, class(old)[1])) {
  stop("Only elements of the same class can be merged", call. = FALSE)

if (!inherits(new, class(old)[1]) & class(new)[1] != "element_gradient") {
  stop("Only elements of the same class can be merged", call. = FALSE)
  1. 运行trace(ggplot2:::validate_element, edit = TRUE)并替换
else if (!inherits(el, eldef$class) && 
         !inherits(el, "element_blank")) {
  stop("Element ", elname, " must be a ", eldef$class, " object.")

else if (!inherits(el, eldef$class) && 
         !inherits(el, "element_blank") && 
         eldef$class != "element_gradient") {
  stop("Element ", elname, " must be a ", eldef$class, " object.")

4. When done, run the following to end the insanity & revert to normal ggplot behaviour:

ggplot_global.new$element_tree$strip.background <- ggplot2:::el_def("element_rect", "rect")
ggplot_global.new$element_tree$strip.background.x <- ggplot2:::el_def("element_rect", "strip.background")
ggplot_global.new$element_tree$strip.background.y <- ggplot2:::el_def("element_rect", "strip.background")

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