Microsoft.Azure.Management.Media .Net SDK无法按名称获取/查找资产

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我正在尝试使用适用于Azure Media Services的v3 API通过名称获取资产。带有ODataQuery的GetAsync和ListAsync都无法找到该项目,但是,使用ListAsync和ListNextAsync翻页所有资产最终将找到它。这是在一个拥有30至4万资产的媒体服务帐户中。我正在寻找有关我在这里做错事情的想法/建议。我将使用v3 API,因为这是一个dotnet核心应用程序,而v2 API似乎停留在框架4.5上。可以在下面找到示例程序。

using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Media;
using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Media.Models;
using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;
using Microsoft.Rest.Azure.Authentication;
using Microsoft.Rest.Azure.OData;

namespace MediaServicesTestApp
    class Program
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var arm_endpoint = "";
            var credentials = new ClientCredential("xxxxx", "yyyyy");
            var token = await ApplicationTokenProvider.LoginSilentAsync("aaaaa", credentials, ActiveDirectoryServiceSettings.Azure);

            IAzureMediaServicesClient client = new AzureMediaServicesClient(new Uri(arm_endpoint), token)
                SubscriptionId = "sssss",
            var resourceGroupName = "zzzzz";
            var accountName = "bbbbb";
                var name = "b98b7c8f-4ee3-42c5-b0bd-d1cb08a3776c";
        // neither of these queries work
                var cdataQuery = new ODataQuery<Asset>(a => a.Name == name);
                var cdataQuery = new ODataQuery<Asset>()
                    Filter = $"name eq '{name}'"
                var assets = await client.Assets.ListAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, cdataQuery, CancellationToken.None);
                if (assets.Any())
                    Console.WriteLine($"Found Asset with name={name} using ListAsync with Query");

        // neither does this
                if (await client.Assets.GetAsync(
                    CancellationToken.None) != null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Found Asset with name={name} using GetAsync");

        // this works but is gross and inefficient
                assets = await client.Assets.ListAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, null, CancellationToken.None);
                var i = 0;
                while(assets.All(x => x.Name != name) && assets.NextPageLink != null)
                    assets = await client.Assets.ListNextAsync(assets.NextPageLink, CancellationToken.None);

                var asset = assets.FirstOrDefault();
                if (asset != null)
                    Console.WriteLine($"Found Asset with name={name} iterating over ListAsync");
            catch (Exception e)
using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Media; using Microsoft.Azure.Management.Media.Models; using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory; using Microsoft.Rest.Azure; using Microsoft.Rest.Azure.Authentication; using Microsoft.Rest.Azure.OData; namespace ams_searchbyname { class Program { static async Task Main(string[] args) { string clientid = "c7f852b9-*****-4d60-83ab-********"; string clientsecret = "dGjeU?Qy.pYD7****rQv0=8gM/"; string tenantdomain = "*****"; var arm_endpoint = ""; var credentials = new ClientCredential(clientid,clientsecret); var token = await ApplicationTokenProvider.LoginSilentAsync(tenantdomain, credentials, ActiveDirectoryServiceSettings.Azure); IAzureMediaServicesClient client = new AzureMediaServicesClient(new Uri(arm_endpoint), token) { SubscriptionId = "*******-e859-******-8d84-5e5fe29f4c68", }; var resourceGroupName = "pa*********ei"; var accountName = "pan*******dia"; try { // searchname var name = "2020"; // neither of these queries work //var cdataQuery = new ODataQuery<Asset>(a => a.Name == name); ODataQuery<Asset> odataQuery = new ODataQuery<Asset>(); //odataQuery.OrderBy = "Name desc"; //odataQuery.Filter = "name eq " + name; odataQuery = "$filter=name gt '2020'&$orderby=Properties/Created desc"; /* var cdataQuery = new ODataQuery<Asset>() { Filter = $"name eq '{name}'" }; */ var assets = await client.Assets.ListAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, odataQuery); if (assets.Any()) { Console.WriteLine($"Found Asset with name={name} using ListAsync with Query"); } // neither does this // !!!I don't repair code in this region if (await client.Assets.GetAsync( resourceGroupName, accountName, name, CancellationToken.None) != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Found Asset with name={name} using GetAsync"); Console.WriteLine($"Contain cdataQuery"); } // this works but is gross and inefficient assets = await client.Assets.ListAsync(resourceGroupName, accountName, null, CancellationToken.None); var i = 0; while (assets.All(x => x.Name != name) && assets.NextPageLink != null) { assets = await client.Assets.ListNextAsync(assets.NextPageLink, CancellationToken.None); } var asset = assets.FirstOrDefault(); if (asset != null) { Console.WriteLine($"Found Asset with name={name} iterating over ListAsync"); Console.WriteLine($"Asset Name: "+asset.Name+""); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } } } }
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