Ionic/Typescript 无法连接到 iPhone 上的蓝牙设备

问题描述 投票:0回答:0

我正在做一个项目,我必须连接(不是绑定)到带有按钮的蓝牙设备。 这些实现适用于 Android,但无法连接我用于测试的 iPhone SE(iOS 16.4)。

我的开发环境如下: 工作站:Windows 10 上的 Visual Studio Code NPM 版本:9.5.0 离子版本:5.4.16 节点版本:18.15.0

我正在使用以下插件来处理蓝牙 LE 连接:

我使用 Android Studio 直接从我的工作站传输到我们的测试 Android 手机 我通过 Git 将代码传输到 Macbook 以将其传输到 xCode 和我们的测试 iPhone

我的 Ionic 服务中的连接功能如下所示:

     * Connect to iTag device and start listening for notifications
     * @param deviceID 
     * @param bondDevice 
     * @param notificationCallback 
     * @param successCallback 
     * @param errorCallback 
     * @param disconnectCallback 
     * @param stateChangeCallback 
    public async itagConnect(
        deviceID: string = "",
        bondDevice = false,
        successCallback: CallableFunction = this.onSuccess,
        errorCallback: CallableFunction = this.onError,
        disconnectCallback: CallableFunction = this.onDisconnect,
        stateChangeCallback: CallableFunction = this.onStateChange
    ): Promise<void> {

        try {            
            if (this.bluetoothConnectedDevice.length > 0) {
                console.log("Already connected: ", this.bluetoothConnectedDevice);
                errorCallback("Already connected to a device");

            // Connect device
            console.log("Connecting to device", deviceID);
            this.onStatusUpdate("Connecting to device \""+deviceID+"\"");
            await BleClient.connect(
                () => {
                {timeout: 10000}
                () => {
                    //Keep bluetooth connection alive by reading device battery level
                    console.log("Start monitoring battery level");
                    this.onStatusUpdate("Start monitoring battery level");
                    this.batteryMonitor = setInterval(() => {
                        if (this.bluetoothConnectedDevice.length == 0 || this.bluetoothIsScanning) {
                        } else {
                    }, 1000);
                    console.log("Connection successfull");
                    this.onStatusUpdate("Connection successfull");

            //Bond/pair device to phone (Android only!)
            if (bondDevice) {
                console.log("Bonding with device");
                this.onStatusUpdate("Bonding with device");
                if (!BleClient.isBonded(deviceID)) {
            } else {
                console.log("Bonding is disabled");
                this.onStatusUpdate("Bonding is disabled");

            // Monitor for bluetooth state change
            console.log("Start bluetooth state monitoring");
            this.onStatusUpdate("Start bluetooth state monitoring");
                (value: boolean) => {

            // If no errors, call success callback function
            this.connected = true;
            this.bluetoothScanResults = [];
        } catch (error) {
            // BLE connecton failed
            console.log("iTAG connect error: ", error);
            errorCallback("iTAG connect error: "" - "+error.message)

我从 xCode 得到的调试反馈是这样的:

⚡️  Native ->  BluetoothLe initialize 28948423
⚡️  BluetoothLe - Resolve initialize BLE powered on
⚡️  TO JS undefined
⚡️  To Native ->  BluetoothLe getConnectedDevices 28948424
⚡️  TO JS {"devices":[]}
⚡️  To Native ->  BluetoothLe
⚡️  [log] - BLE STATUS:  Attempting to connect to device "59353DDC-DACC-D596-F0EC-CFB22B9000DC"
removeListener 28948425
⚡️  [log] - BLE STATUS:  Connecting to device "59353DDC-DACC-D596-F0EC-CFB22B9000DC"
⚡️  To Native ->  BluetoothLe addListener 28948426
⚡️  To Native ->  BluetoothLe connect 28948427
⚡️  BluetoothLe - Connecting to peripheral <CBPeripheral: 0x280e27740, identifier = 59353DDC-DACC-D596-F0EC-CFB22B9000DC, name = iTAG            , mtu = 23, state = disconnecting>
⚡️  BluetoothLe - Reject connect Connection timeout
ERROR MESSAGE:  {"errorMessage":"Connection timeout","message":"Connection timeout"}
⚡️  [error] - {"errorMessage":"Connection timeout","message":"Connection timeout"}
⚡️  [log] - BLE STATUS:  ERROR! Error while connecting to device "iTAG coneect error: Error - Connection timeout"
⚡️  To Native ->  BluetoothLe initialize 28948428
⚡️  BluetoothLe - Resolve initialize BLE powered on
⚡️  TO JS undefined
⚡️  To Native ->  BluetoothLe getConnectedDevices 28948429
⚡️  TO JS {"devices":[]}
2023-05-17 10:31:05.232793+0200 App[634:18510] [Snapshotting] Snapshotting a view (0x10182ee00, UIKeyboardImpl) that is not in a visible window requires afterScreenUpdates:YES.

我浏览了有关开发 iPhone 蓝牙应用程序的杂项帖子,并进行了以下操作:

On iOS, add the NSBluetoothAlwaysUsageDescription to Info.plist, otherwise the app will crash when trying to use Bluetooth (see here).

If the app needs to use Bluetooth while it is in the background, you also have to add bluetooth-central to UIBackgroundModes (for details see here).

我测试了装有 iOS 15.7 的旧 iPhone 6S 和装有 iOS 16.4 的较新 iPhone SE,并更新了 MacBook 上的操作系统和 xCode 版本以匹配手机(S)

该应用程序应该能够连接到 iTAG 龅牙设备并监听在 Android 上运行的内置按钮服务,但在我能够进行任何形式的读取以保持连接有效之前,在 iPhone 上初始连接失败.

angular iphone typescript ionic-framework bluetooth-lowenergy
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