
问题描述 投票:1回答:2

为了从C ++中的泊松分布中抽取随机数,通常建议使用

RNG_type rng;
std::poisson_distribution<size_t> d(1e-6);
auto r = d(rng);

[每次调用std::poisson_distribution对象时,将消耗整个随机位序列(例如std::mt19937为32位,std::mt19937_64为64位)。令我惊讶的是,在如此低的平均值(mean = 1e-6)下,绝大多数时候,只有几位足以确定要返回的值为0。然后可以将其他位缓存起来以备后用。

假设设置为true的位序列与泊松分布的高返回值相关联,则当使用均值1e-6时,任何不以19 true开头的序列都必须返回零!确实,

1 - 1/2^19 < P(0, 1e-6) < 1 - 1/2^20

,其中P(n, r)表示从具有均值n的泊松分布中得出r的概率。一种不浪费位的算法将使用一半的时间,一半的时间使用两位,四分之一的时间使用三位,....


回应@ Jarod42的评论谁说


我认为这不会破坏等概率。在模糊测试中,我考虑了一个具有简单bernoulli分布的相同问题。我以概率1/2^4采样为true,以概率1 - 1/2^4采样为false。一旦在缓存中看到真,函数drawWithoutWastingBits就停止,并且函数drawWastingBits消耗4位,无论这些位是什么。

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <random>

bool drawWithoutWastingBits(std::vector<bool>& cache, size_t& cache_index)
        Get a true with probability 1/2^4 (=1/16=0.0625) and a false otherwise

    size_t nbTrues = 0;
    while (cache[cache_index])
        if (nbTrues == 4)
            return true;
    return false;

bool drawWastingBits(std::vector<bool>& cache, size_t& cache_index)
        Get a true with probability 1/2^4 (=1/16=0.0625) and a false otherwise

    bool isAnyTrue = false;
    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < 4; ++i)
        if (cache[cache_index])
            isAnyTrue = true;
    return !isAnyTrue;

int main()
        Just cache a lot of bits in advance in `cache`. The same sequence of bits will be used by both function.
        I am just caching way enough bits to make sure they don't run out of bits below
        I made sure to have the same number of zeros and ones so that any deviation is caused by the methodology and not by the RNG

    // Produce cache
    std::vector<bool> cache;
    size_t nbBitsToCache = 1e7;
    for (size_t i = 0 ; i < nbBitsToCache/2 ; ++i)
    // Shuffle cache
        std::mt19937 mt(std::random_device{}());
        std::shuffle(cache.begin(), cache.end(), mt);

    // Draw without wasting bits
        size_t nbDraws = 1e6;
        size_t cache_index = 0;
        std::pair<size_t, size_t> outcomes = {0,0};
        for (size_t r = 0 ; r < nbDraws ; ++r)
            drawWithoutWastingBits(cache, cache_index) ? ++outcomes.first : ++outcomes.second;
            assert(cache_index <= cache.size());

        assert(outcomes.first + outcomes.second == nbDraws);
        std::cout << "Draw Without Wasting Bits: prob true = " << (double)outcomes.first / nbDraws << "\n";

    // Draw wasting bits
        size_t nbDraws = 1e6;
        size_t cache_index = 0;
        std::pair<size_t, size_t> outcomes = {0,0};
        for (size_t r = 0 ; r < nbDraws ; ++r)
            drawWastingBits(cache, cache_index) ? ++outcomes.first : ++outcomes.second;
            assert(cache_index <= cache.size());

        assert(outcomes.first + outcomes.second == nbDraws);
        std::cout << "Draw Wit Wasting Bits: prob true = " << (double)outcomes.first / nbDraws << "\n";


Draw Without Wasting Bits: prob true = 0.062832
Draw Wit Wasting Bits: prob true = 0.062363
c++ performance random probability poisson
下一次事件的时间,其中0 < U ≤ 1是统一的随机数,而λ是事件概率。


基于该算法,如果知道mean远小于1,则如果在[0,1]中生成统一的随机数u,则当u <= exp(-mean)时泊松变量将为0,并且否则大于0。

例如,假设平均值为1e-6。使用Lumbroso的Fast Dice Roller(2013)或i中提到的算法,使用一种最小化位浪费的算法在[0, 100000)中生成随机整数Math Forum。如果i大于0,则Poisson变量正好为0。否则,它为1或更大,并且需要“慢速”算法。以下算法基于第505页中的算法,但仅对Poisson变量1或更大的样本进行采样:

METHOD Poisson1OrGreater(mean) sum=1.0-Math.exp(-lam) prod=Math.exp(-lam) u=sum+RNDRANGE(1-sum, 1) i=0 while i=0 or u>sum prod*=lam/(i+1) sum-=prod i=i+1 end return i END METHOD


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