
问题描述 投票:3回答:1

Question / example / expected values

我需要为表示流网络的有向图确定Strahler number或Strahler流顺序。我可以得到信息forwards and backwards using WITH RECURSIVE queries,但似乎我需要做一些不同的事情来确定Strahler数。



CREATE TABLE streams (
  node integer PRIMARY KEY,
  to_node integer REFERENCES streams(node),
  expected_order integer
INSERT INTO streams(node, to_node, expected_order) VALUES
(1, NULL, 4),
(2, 1, 4),
(3, 2, 3),
(4, 2, 3),
(5, 4, 3),
(6, 3, 2),
(7, 3, 2),
(8, 5, 2),
(9, 5, 2),
(10, 6, 1),
(11, 6, 1),
(12, 7, 1),
(13, 7, 1),
(14, 8, 1),
(15, 8, 1),
(16, 9, 1),
(17, 9, 1),
(18, 4, 1),
(19, 1, 1);


有三条规则(来自GRASS 7.0 Manual):

  1. 如果节点没有子节点,则Strahler顺序为1。
  2. 如果节点有一个且只有一个支路具有Strahler最大阶数i,并且所有其他支流的阶数小于i,那么该阶数仍为i。
  3. 如果节点具有两个或多个具有最大阶数i的支路,则该节点的Strahler阶数为i + 1。

What I've found / tried

从我在挖掘中找到的解决这个问题的是这个计算can be done with SQL(除了我认为他们的“SQL脚本”是为MS SQL Server编写的)。但是,我还没有找到可以用PostgreSQL 9.1完成的任务。


WITH RECURSIVE search_graph AS (
  SELECT node AS start_node, node
  FROM streams
  -- Connect downstream towards outlet(s)
  SELECT sg.start_node, n.node
  FROM streams n
  JOIN search_graph sg ON n.to_node = sg.node
SELECT start_node, count(sg.node) as upstream_nodes, expected_order
FROM search_graph sg
JOIN streams s ON sg.start_node = s.node
GROUP BY start_node, expected_order
ORDER BY upstream_nodes DESC, start_node;

 start_node | upstream_nodes | expected_order
          1 |             19 |              4
          2 |             17 |              4
          4 |              9 |              3
          3 |              7 |              3
          5 |              7 |              3
          6 |              3 |              2
          7 |              3 |              2
          8 |              3 |              2
          9 |              3 |              2
         10 |              1 |              1
         11 |              1 |              1
         12 |              1 |              1
         13 |              1 |              1
         14 |              1 |              1
         15 |              1 |              1
         16 |              1 |              1
         17 |              1 |              1
         18 |              1 |              1
         19 |              1 |              1
(19 rows)

一个想法是使用nth_value(value any, nth integer) window functionappropriately set window frame range。但是,我不确定如何设置它,或者是否可以设置它来识别Strahler数字。另一个[不太令人兴奋]的想法是为每个Strahler编号手动运行迭代,我希望我的真实世界数据可以在5到8个订单(迭代)之间。这可以用DO statement完成。但任何更好的想法都会受到欢迎。

postgresql recursive-query window-functions directed-graph transitive-closure-table

我对CTE有限制。递归CTE不能对自身进行LEFT JOIN。刚刚结束了它的功能。


create or replace function strahler(_parent int) returns table(node int, sn int)

            -- If the node is a leaf (has no children), its Strahler number is one.
            when count(st.*) = 0 then 

            when count(st.*) >= 2 then
                    -- If the node has one child with Strahler number i, 
                    -- and all other children have Strahler numbers less than i, 
                    -- then the Strahler number of the node is i again.
                    when min(st.sn) < max(st.sn) then

                    -- If the node has two or more children with Strahler number i, 
                    -- and no children with greater number, 
                    -- then the Strahler number of the node is i + 1.
                    when min(st.sn) = max(st.sn) then
                        max(st.sn) + 1                                          

        end as sn   

    from streams s
    left join lateral strahler(s.node) st  on true
    where _parent = 0 or s.to_node = _parent
    group by s.node
$$ language 'sql';


select st.*, s.expected_order 
from strahler(0) st 
join streams s on st.node = s.node 
order by st.node;


| node | sn  | expected_order |
| ---- | --- | -------------- |
| 1    | 4   | 4              |
| 2    | 4   | 4              |
| 3    | 3   | 3              |
| 4    | 3   | 3              |
| 5    | 3   | 3              |
| 6    | 2   | 2              |
| 7    | 2   | 2              |
| 8    | 2   | 2              |
| 9    | 2   | 2              |
| 10   | 1   | 1              |
| 11   | 1   | 1              |
| 12   | 1   | 1              |
| 13   | 1   | 1              |
| 14   | 1   | 1              |
| 15   | 1   | 1              |
| 16   | 1   | 1              |
| 17   | 1   | 1              |
| 18   | 1   | 1              |
| 19   | 1   | 1              |



with recursive search_graph as (
    select node as start_node, node
    from streams

    union all
    select sg.start_node, n.node
    from streams n
    join search_graph sg on n.to_node = sg.node
, get_kids as 
        s.node as kid, 
        count(sg.*) - 1 as kid_kids, 
    from streams s 
    join search_graph sg on s.node = sg.start_node 
    group by s.node, s.expected_order
    order by kid_kids
, order_safe as 
        row_number() over(s) eo, 


        gk_kid.to_node as parent, 
        gk_p.kid_kids as siblings 
    from get_kids gk
    left join streams gk_kid on gk.kid = gk_kid.node
    left join get_kids gk_p on gk_kid.to_node = gk_p.kid
    window s as (order by gk_p.kid_kids /* siblings */, gk_kid.to_node  /* parent */) 
select * from order_safe;


| eo  | kid | kid_kids | parent | siblings |
| --- | --- | -------- | ------ | -------- |
| 1   | 11  | 0        | 6      | 2        |
| 2   | 10  | 0        | 6      | 2        |
| 3   | 12  | 0        | 7      | 2        |
| 4   | 13  | 0        | 7      | 2        |
| 5   | 15  | 0        | 8      | 2        |
| 6   | 14  | 0        | 8      | 2        |
| 7   | 17  | 0        | 9      | 2        |
| 8   | 16  | 0        | 9      | 2        |
| 9   | 6   | 2        | 3      | 6        |
| 10  | 7   | 2        | 3      | 6        |
| 11  | 9   | 2        | 5      | 6        |
| 12  | 8   | 2        | 5      | 6        |
| 13  | 5   | 6        | 4      | 8        |
| 14  | 18  | 0        | 4      | 8        |
| 15  | 3   | 6        | 2      | 16       |
| 16  | 4   | 8        | 2      | 16       |
| 17  | 19  | 0        | 1      | 18       |
| 18  | 2   | 16       | 1      | 18       |
| 19  | 1   | 18       |        |          |

最初的计划是以安全的顺序评估每个节点(将由eo字段促进),从具有较少兄弟节点的节点开始,直到具有许多兄弟节点的节点。然后在将要评估的每个节点上,还将检查其直接子节点(递归CTE将对其自身执行LEFT JOIN),然后执行必要的Strahler的三个条件。但是,CTE有一个限制,递归CTE不能对自己进行LEFT JOIN。

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