如何从视图投影矩阵中检索摄像机的原点/位置? (OpenGL)

问题描述 投票:1回答:2

是否有任何方法可以从视图投影矩阵中检索摄像机的原点/位置? (OpenGL)




glm::vec4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)

但是我有点像是倒置的相机位置。 (在屏幕快照中标记为X)包括下面的所有源代码。

enter image description here

    // Homogeneous points for source cube in clip-space.
    std::array<glm::vec4, 9> corners =
        // Far plane
        glm::vec4(-1.f,-1.f, 1.f, 1.f), // bottom-left
        glm::vec4( 1.f,-1.f, 1.f, 1.f), // bottom-right
        glm::vec4( 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f), // top-right
        glm::vec4(-1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f), // top-left

        // Near plane
        glm::vec4(-1.f,-1.f,-1.f, 1.f), // bottom-left
        glm::vec4( 1.f,-1.f,-1.f, 1.f), // bottom-right
        glm::vec4( 1.f, 1.f,-1.f, 1.f), // top-right
        glm::vec4(-1.f, 1.f,-1.f, 1.f), // top-left

        // Camera/screen center position.
        glm::vec4(0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f)

    const auto invMatrix(glm::inverse(viewProjectionMatrix));

    for (U32 i = 0; i < corners.size(); i++)
        corners[i] = invMatrix * corners[i]; // 4x4 * 4x1 matrix/vector multiplication.
        corners[i] /= corners[i].w; // Homogeneous to euclidean/cartesian conversion

    // Far plane.
    this->AddLine(corners[0], corners[1], rColor);
    this->AddLine(corners[1], corners[2], rColor);
    this->AddLine(corners[2], corners[3], rColor);
    this->AddLine(corners[3], corners[0], rColor);

    // Near plane.
    this->AddLine(corners[4], corners[5], rColor);
    this->AddLine(corners[5], corners[6], rColor);
    this->AddLine(corners[6], corners[7], rColor);
    this->AddLine(corners[7], corners[4], rColor);

    // Connection from Near rectangle to the Far rectangle.
    this->AddLine(corners[0], corners[4], rColor);
    this->AddLine(corners[1], corners[5], rColor);
    this->AddLine(corners[2], corners[6], rColor);
    this->AddLine(corners[3], corners[7], rColor);

    // X
    this->AddLine(corners[4], corners[8], rColor);
    this->AddLine(corners[5], corners[8], rColor);
    this->AddLine(corners[6], corners[8], rColor);
    this->AddLine(corners[7], corners[8], rColor);
opengl matrix projection projection-matrix frustum



// Get plane equations of left, right and top frustum planes:
// (Reference: Paper "Fast Extraction of Viewing Frustum Planes from the WorldView-Projection Matrix")
// Note that `m[i]` below means the i-th "row" (as opposed to the i-th column) of matrix `m`
vec4 left  = m[3] + m[0]
vec4 right = m[3] - m[0]
vec4 top   = m[3] - m[1]
// Compute intersection point of these three planes:
vec3 c23 = cross(right.xyz, top.xyz)
vec3 c31 = cross(top.xyz, left.xyz)
vec3 c12 = cross(left.xyz, right.xyz)
vec3 result = -(c23 * left.w + c31 * right.w + c12 * top.w) / dot(left.xyz, c23)



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