
问题描述 投票:0回答:2

我们通过 kafka 连接器 将数据提取到 Snowflake 中。 为了提高数据读取性能/扫描更少的分区,我们决定向存储在 RECORD_CONTENT 变体字段中的键/键组合添加一个集群键

RECORD_CONTENT 字段中的数据如下所示:

{ "jsonSrc": { "Integerfield": 1, "SourceDateTime": "2020-06-30 05:33:08:345", *REST_OF_THE_KEY_VALUE_PAIRS* }

SourceDateTime 这样的日期时间列上的集群工作:

CLUSTER BY (to_date(RECORD_CONTENT:jsonSrc:loadDts::datetime))

Integerfield 确实这样的字段上进行聚类时:

CLUSTER BY (RECORD_CONTENT:jsonSrc:Integerfield::int )




  • 足够的数据可以在RECORD_CONTENT:jsonSrc:loadDts::datetime上进行有意义的聚类
  • 我通过复制原始表来验证 RECORD_CONTENT:jsonSrc:loadDts::datetime 上的集群,并在
  • 单独列中 loadDtsCol 中使用 RECORD_CONTENT:jsonSrc:loadDts::datetime,然后在其上添加类似的集群键列:to_date(loadDtsCol)。
database-performance snowflake-cloud-data-platform clustering-key
为了更好的修剪和更少的存储消耗,我们建议 将对象和关键数据展平为单独的关系列 如果您的半结构化数据包括:日期和时间戳, 特别是非 ISO 8601 日期和时间戳,作为字符串值



非本机值(例如日期和时间戳)存储为字符串 当加载到 VARIANT 列时,因此对这些值的操作可以 比存储在关系中时速度更慢并且消耗更多空间 具有相应数据类型的列。



请在下面找到一个 3 分钟的实验室来证明这一点,

--create testing table to evalute prune/cluster feature for all sub-field data types in variant column CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE GET_PROPOSALS as select row_number() over (order by seq8()) as pk, mod(pk,12876381) + 1 as city_id, --NDV 12876381 chr(65 + uniform(0, 15, random())) || chr(65 + uniform(0, 15, random())) as message, --NDV 256 cast (dateadd(day, mod(pk, 1095), '2020-01-01' ) as date) as transactionDate, --NDV 1095 DAYS, i.e. 3 years cast (dateadd(second, mod(pk, 3600), '2020-01-01 00:00:00' ) as timestamp) as message_timestamp, cast (object_construct('city_id', city_id, 'message', message, 'transactionDate', transactionDate, 'transactionDate2', to_char(transactionDate, 'yyyy-mm-dd'), 'transactionDate3', to_char(transactionDate, 'yymmdd'), 'message_timestamp', message_timestamp, 'message_timestamp2', to_char(message_timestamp, 'yyyy-mm-dd-hh24:mi:ss'), 'message_timestamp3', DATE_PART(EPOCH_SECOND, message_timestamp) ) as variant) as data, RANDSTR(120 ,RANDOM()) as any_other_columns --fill in necessary space to simulate real life customer environment from table(generator(rowcount => 12960000)) order by random(); --data is randomly distributed, i.e. 100% not clustered on any columns whatsoever --1577836801 select DATE_PART(EPOCH_SECOND, '2020-01-01 00:00:01'::datetime); select to_date('1577836801'); desc table GET_PROPOSALS; /* --kindly note: your testing data might be different since it's randmoly generated/selected but gist is the same here { "city_id": 586422, "message": "NM", "message_timestamp": "2020-01-01 00:53:41.000", "message_timestamp2": "2020-01-01-00:53:41", "message_timestamp3": 1577840021, "transactionDate": "2021-08-19", "transactionDate2": "2021-08-19", "transactionDate3": "210819" } */ select * from GET_PROPOSALS limit 1; --simulate number sub-field data pruning create or replace table GET_PROPOSALS_CITY_ID as select * from GET_PROPOSALS order by data:city_id; select system$clustering_information('GET_PROPOSALS_CITY_ID', '(data:city_id::number)'); alter session set use_cached_result=false; --only need to hit 1 partition since number sub-field can be properly clustered select * from GET_PROPOSALS_CITY_ID where data:city_id=586422; --simulate char sub-field data pruning create or replace table GET_PROPOSALS_MESSAGE as select * from GET_PROPOSALS order by data:message; select system$clustering_information('GET_PROPOSALS_MESSAGE', '(data:message::varchar)'); --only need to hit 2 partition since char sub-field can be properly clustered select * from GET_PROPOSALS_MESSAGE where data:message='NM'; --simulate date sub-field data pruning create or replace table GET_PROPOSALS_TRANSACTIONDATE as select * from GET_PROPOSALS order by data:transactionDate; --needs to hit all 256 partitions. i.e. full table scan and no pruning if we cluster on date type sub-field directly select * from GET_PROPOSALS_TRANSACTIONDATE where data:transactionDate='2021-08-19'; --simulate date sub-field data pruning, try to use workaround as format it to yyyy-mm-dd char type create or replace table GET_PROPOSALS_TRANSACTIONDATE2 as select * from GET_PROPOSALS order by data:transactionDate2; --only need to hit 1 partition since char sub-field can be properly clustered select * from GET_PROPOSALS_TRANSACTIONDATE2 where data:transactionDate2='2021-08-19'; --simulate date sub-field data pruning, try to use workaround as format it to yymmdd char type create or replace table GET_PROPOSALS_TRANSACTIONDATE3 as select * from GET_PROPOSALS order by data:transactionDate3; --only need to hit 1 partition since char sub-field can be properly clustered select * from GET_PROPOSALS_TRANSACTIONDATE3 where data:transactionDate3='210819'; --simulate timestamp sub-field data pruning create or replace table GET_PROPOSALS_MESSAGETIMESTAMP as select * from GET_PROPOSALS order by data:message_timestamp; --needs to hit all 256 partitions. i.e. full table scan and no pruning if we cluster on timestamp type sub-field directly select * from GET_PROPOSALS_MESSAGETIMESTAMP where data:message_timestamp='2020-01-01 00:53:41.000'; --simulate timestamp sub-field data pruning, try to use workaround as format it to yyyy-mm-dd char type create or replace table GET_PROPOSALS_MESSAGETIMESTAMP2 as select * from GET_PROPOSALS order by data:message_timestamp2; --only need to hit 1 partition since char sub-field can be properly clustered select * from GET_PROPOSALS_MESSAGETIMESTAMP2 where data:message_timestamp2='2020-01-01-00:53:41'; --simulate timestamp sub-field data pruning, try to use workaround as format it to epoch type create or replace table GET_PROPOSALS_MESSAGETIMESTAMP3 as select * from GET_PROPOSALS order by data:message_timestamp3::date; --only need to hit 1 partition since epoch sub-field can be properly clustered select * from GET_PROPOSALS_MESSAGETIMESTAMP3 where data:message_timestamp3='2020-01-01 00:53:41'::timestamp;

请注意:在某个键上按 100% 集群进行排序,因此我只是使用此技巧立即获取 100% 集群表,而不是为了测试目的而等待自动集群。

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