有没有办法更快地在 tkinter 中加载图像?

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试将图像实现到 tkinter 中的按钮中,当我尝试加载它时,图像和窗口加载需要超过 5 秒的时间。

我希望这样当单击下一个按钮时,图像几乎立即加载,以便我可以更快地调试和测试代码(而不是每次都浪费 6 秒)。 有没有更好的方法(或更快)来加载这些图像?

from tkinter import *
import math
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import time
root = Tk()

# Tkinter stuff 
root.title("Projectile motion")
root.resizable(False, False)
scale_label = None

def switch():
    page1.grid_forget()  # Hide the welcome page
    page2.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")  # Show the instructions page
page1 = Frame(root, width=800, height=500)
page2 = Frame(root, width=800, height=500, bg = "azure3")

page1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")
page2.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="nsew")

# main page stuff
main_window_title = Label(page1, text="Projectile Motion Simulation", font=("Times New Roman bold", 35))
main_window_title.place(relx=0.13, rely=0.26)

main_window_button = Button(page1, text="Start", font=("Arial bold", 15), background= "#ff0000", activebackground= "#f08080", command=switch,
                            height=4, width=20)
main_window_button.place(relx=0.5, rely=0.6, anchor="center")

# page 2/ instructions page
welcome_text = Label(page2, text="Welcome to Projectile Motion simulation",bg = "azure3", font=("Times New Roman bold", 30))
welcome_text.place(relx = 0,rely = 0)

htp_text = Label(page2, text="How to play?", bg = "azure3" ,font=("Times New Roman", 25))
htp_text.place(relx = 0, rely = 0.1)

instruction_text = ("1) Use sliders, checkboxes, and buttons to adjust the simulation\n" 
                    "2) Press 'Launch' button to show output values\n" 
                    "3) Press checkboxes to show values on animation window\n"
                    "4) Press 'projectile 1' and 'projectile 2' to switch between projectiles \n"
                    "5) Press 'Explanation' button to get the theory on projectile motion\n"
                    "6) Press 'Quiz' button to try a quiz on projectile motion\n"
                    "7) Press back button to close window")

htp2_text = Label(page2, text=instruction_text,font=("Times New Roman", 20),  bg = "azure3",justify='left', anchor='w')
htp2_text.place(relx = 0,rely = 0.2)

def selection_window():      
    selection_window = Toplevel()
    selection_window.title("Selection page")
    selection_window.config(width=500, height=500)
    selection_window.resizable(False, False)
    selection_window.bind("<Destroy>", enable_button)

    click_btn= PhotoImage(file="scenario 1.png")
    click_btn = click_btn.zoom(25)
    click_btn = click_btn.subsample(40)
    click_btn2= PhotoImage(file="scenario 2.png")
    click_btn2 = click_btn2.zoom(25) 
    click_btn2 = click_btn2.subsample(40)
    global button1
    button1 = Button(selection_window, image = click_btn,command=vertical_animation)
    button1.image = click_btn
    button1.grid(row=0, column=0)

    global button2
    button2 = Button(selection_window,image = click_btn2 ,command=lambda: animation_window(1))
    button2.image = click_btn2
    button2.grid(row=0, column=1)

当点击下一个按钮时,它会加载大约 6 秒]

python tkinter

不幸的是没有办法做到这一点。创建 tkimage 需要很多时间。如果你有一个包含数百帧的 gif...


  • 想一想,如果图像和配置始终相同,则不需要每次都重新创建。
  • 在脚本开头加载所有图像。所以等待时间将在“初始化”而不是“运行时”。
  • 使用尺寸合适的图像,避免使用
  • 在特定情况下,您可以将所有图像放入生成器中,因此仅在调用时才会创建它:
    tkimages = (tk.PhotoImage(file=img) for img in list_images_png)
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