
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



grid = [

def print_grid(grid):
    rows = len(grid)
    cols = len(grid[0])

    for y in range(rows):
        if y % 3 == 0 and y != 0:
            print("- " * (cols + 3))
        for x in range(cols):
            if x % 3 == 0 and x != 0:
                print(" | ", end="")
            if x == 8:
                print(str(grid[y][x]) + " ", end="")

def find_empty(grid):
    for y in range(9):
        for x in range(9):
            if grid[y][x] == 0:
                return (y, x)

def possible(grid, y, x, n):
    # check rows
    for i in range(9):
        if grid[i][x] == n:
            return False

    # check cols
    for i in range(9):
        if grid[y][i] == n:
            return False

    # check subgrid
    y0 = (y // 3) * 3
    x0 = (x // 3) * 3
    for i in range(3):
        for j in range(3):
            if grid[y0+i][x0+j] == n:
                return False
    return True

def solve(grid):    
    empty = find_empty(grid)
    if not empty:
        return True
    y, x = empty
    for n in range(1, 10):
        if possible(grid, y, x, n):
            grid[y][x] = n
            grid[y][x] = 0



def solve(grid):    
    empty = find_empty(grid)
    if not empty:
        return True
    y, x = empty
    for n in range(1, 10):
        if possible(grid, y, x, n):
            grid[y][x] = n
            # changed this part
            if solve(grid):
                return True
            grid[y][x] = 0


python-3.x algorithm recursion backtracking sudoku

grid[y][x] = 0

因为这实际上会在解决后覆盖正确的板(尝试在条件print_grid(grid)内添加if not empty:)。


def solve(grid): empty = find_empty(grid) if not empty: print("board completed") return True y, x = empty for n in range(1, 10): if possible(grid, y, x, n): grid[y][x] = n if solve(grid): print("board is completed! do not reset anymore") return True print((y,x), " is not", n, " !!! reset this!!!") grid[y][x] = 0


(0, 4) is not 9 !!! reset this!!! (0, 2) is not 3 !!! reset this!!! (2, 1) is not 9 !!! reset this!!! (2, 0) is not 3 !!! reset this!!! (2, 1) is not 3 !!! reset this!!! (3, 5) is not 8 !!! reset this!!! (3, 3) is not 1 !!! reset this!!! (4, 3) is not 7 !!! reset this!!! (4, 1) is not 6 !!! reset this!!! (4, 0) is not 2 !!! reset this!!! (4, 8) is not 4 !!! reset this!!! (4, 5) is not 2 !!! reset this!!! (4, 3) is not 7 !!! reset this!!! (4, 1) is not 6 !!! reset this!!! (4, 0) is not 8 !!! reset this!!! (3, 8) is not 1 !!! reset this!!! (3, 5) is not 8 !!! reset this!!! (3, 3) is not 9 !!! reset this!!! (3, 1) is not 5 !!! reset this!!! (3, 0) is not 3 !!! reset this!!! (3, 5) is not 8 !!! reset this!!! (3, 3) is not 1 !!! reset this!!! (4, 3) is not 7 !!! reset this!!! (4, 1) is not 6 !!! reset this!!! (4, 0) is not 2 !!! reset this!!! (4, 8) is not 4 !!! reset this!!! (4, 5) is not 2 !!! reset this!!! (4, 3) is not 7 !!! reset this!!! (4, 1) is not 6 !!! reset this!!! (4, 0) is not 8 !!! reset this!!! (3, 8) is not 1 !!! reset this!!! (3, 5) is not 8 !!! reset this!!! (3, 3) is not 9 !!! reset this!!! (3, 1) is not 3 !!! reset this!!! (3, 0) is not 5 !!! reset this!!! (3, 3) is not 1 !!! reset this!!! (3, 3) is not 9 !!! reset this!!! (3, 1) is not 3 !!! reset this!!! (3, 5) is not 3 !!! reset this!!! (3, 3) is not 1 !!! reset this!!! (6, 5) is not 4 !!! reset this!!! (6, 4) is not 8 !!! reset this!!! (7, 3) is not 5 !!! reset this!!! (7, 2) is not 8 !!! reset this!!! (6, 6) is not 8 !!! reset this!!! (6, 5) is not 4 !!! reset this!!! (6, 4) is not 9 !!! reset this!!! (6, 2) is not 6 !!! reset this!!! board completed

基本上,not empty仅在正确填充电路板时才为真。因为如果任何数字位于错误的位置,则最终该错误的数字将由grid[y][x] = 0重置,并使用另一个数字进行测试。 

[如果开发板完成并且执行了if not empty: return True,则if solve(grid):将知道它不再应该重新设置开发板,因此它返回True。这将从函数中逸出,这意味着grid[y][x] = 0行将被跳过。


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