R Shiny / Leaflet 中的时间序列叶绿素

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如何使用传单在 RShiny 中随时间推移制作分区统计图的动画?我想根据它们的数值在 Shiny 中随时间对等值区域的颜色进行动画处理。






ui <- fluidPage(
  titlePanel("Chamonix Snow Development"),
  sidebarPanel(width = 2,
               sliderInput("dateSel", "Date",
                           min = min(snow_total_year_abs$year),
                           max = max(snow_total_year_abs$year),
                           value = min(snow_total_year_abs$year),
                           step = 1,
                           timeFormat = "%d %b %y",
                           animate = animationOptions(interval = 200, loop = FALSE)
  mainPanel(width = 10,
            leafletOutput("map", width = "70%", height = "750px")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  output$map = renderLeaflet({
    leaflet(stations %>% filter(year==min(stations$year))) %>%
      addTiles() %>% addPolygons( data = vcrop,
                                  weight=2, opacity = 1,
                                  color = stations$color,
                                  fillOpacity = 0.5) 
      leafletProxy("map", data = stations %>% filter(year==input$dateSel)) 

shinyApp(ui, server)

Here is the code getting the coordinate data into polygon form:

test = ac_ml_join %>% filter(Name=="Admont" | Name =="Fieberbrunn")

stations = st_as_sf(test,coords = c("Longitude","Latitude"))

#create voronoi/thiessen polygons
v <- stations %>% 
  st_union() %>%
  st_voronoi() %>%

box <- st_bbox( stations ) %>% st_as_sfc()
vparts = st_collection_extract(v)
vcrop = st_crop(vparts, box)

leaflet(stations) %>% 
  addTiles() %>% 
  #addCircleMarkers( data = stations ) %>%
  addPolygons( data = vcrop,fillColor = stations$color,
               weight=2, opacity = 1,
               color = stations$color,
               fillOpacity = 0.5) 
'Test' dataset:
year max.snow Name    `3yr_roll_avg` snow.vis color     Longitude Latitude
1971    4.35  Absdorf          2.93     100   royalblue      16.0     48.4
1972    2.28  Absdorf          3.07     105.  royalblue      16.0     48.4
1973    2.58  Absdorf          1.62      55.2 red            16.0     48.4
1974    0     Absdorf          1.16      39.6 darkred        16.0     48.4
1975    0.903 Absdorf          0.508     17.3 darkred        16.0     48.4
1976    0.621 Absdorf          3.31     113.  royalblue      16.0     48.4
1977    8.42  Absdorf          5.44     186.  purple         16.0     48.4
1978    7.29  Absdorf          8.04     274.  purple         16.0     48.4
1979    8.42  Absdorf          7.41     253.  purple         16.0     48.4
1980    6.52  Absdorf          6.02     205.  purple         16.0     48.4
1971     20.9 Admont           8.77     100  royalblue      14.5     47.6
1972      3.6 Admont          26.4      301. purple         14.5     47.6
1973     54.7 Admont          29.7      339. purple         14.5     47.6
1974     30.9 Admont          42.8      488. darkred        14.5     47.6
1975     42.9 Admont          39.6      451. purple         14.5     47.6
1976     45.0 Admont          43.2      492. purple         14.5     47.6
1977     41.7 Admont          42.5      485. red            14.5     47.6
1978     40.9 Admont          37.3      426. purple         14.5     47.6
1979     29.4 Admont          40.7      464. purple         14.5     47.6
1980     51.8 Admont          56.8      647. purple         14.5     47.6
r shiny leaflet gis choropleth



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