高效算法订购“5 out of 7”扑克牌(非直/非同花)手|分而治之[关闭]

问题描述 投票:-3回答:2

考虑长度为7的排序列表,其中每个条目x是数字2 <= x <= 14且任何条目的重复计数不能超过4.这里的假设是高性能算法已经确定我们有一个非直/非冲洗手。




7 Card Poker Hand Evaluator








start_spot = 3
end_spot = 3

if hand[3] == hand[4]:
    if hand[4] == hand[5]:
        if hand[5] == hand[6]:
            end_spot = 6
            end_spot = 5
        end_spot = 4

if hand[3] == hand[2]:
    if hand[2] == hand[1]:
        if hand[1] == hand[0]:
            start_spot = 0
            start_spot = 1
        start_spot = 2

if end_spot - start_spot == 3:
    if end_spot == 6:
        Kick = hand[start_spot-1]
        Kick = hand[6]
    best5 = [Kick,hand[start_spot],hand[start_spot+1],hand[start_spot+2],hand[start_spot+3]]
    print(hand, best5, 'four of a kind')
    raise SystemExit

def multCount(c1,c2,c3):
    pc = 0
    if c1 == c2: pc = pc + 1
    if c2 == c3: pc = pc + 10
    return pc

pc_r = multCount(hand[4],hand[5],hand[6])
pc_l = multCount(hand[2],hand[1],hand[0])

if start_spot == 3 and end_spot == 3:
    if   pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 0:        
        best5 = [hand[2],hand[3],hand[4],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'no pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 1:   
        best5 = [hand[2],hand[3],hand[6],hand[4],hand[5]]
        print(hand, best5, 'one pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 10:       
        best5 = [hand[2],hand[3],hand[4],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'one pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 11:       
        best5 = [hand[2],hand[3],hand[4],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'trips')
        raise SystemExit

    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 0:        
        best5 = [hand[4],hand[5],hand[6],hand[1],hand[2]]
        print(hand, best5, 'one pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 1:       
        best5 = [hand[6],hand[1],hand[2],hand[4],hand[5]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 10:       
        best5 = [hand[4],hand[1],hand[2],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 11:       
        best5 = [hand[1],hand[2],hand[4],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit

    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 0:        
        best5 = [hand[4],hand[5],hand[6],hand[0],hand[1]]
        print(hand, best5, 'one pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 1:       
        best5 = [hand[6],hand[0],hand[1],hand[4],hand[5]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 10:       
        best5 = [hand[4],hand[0],hand[1],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 11:       
        best5 = [hand[0],hand[1],hand[4],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit

    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 0:        
        best5 = [hand[5],hand[6],hand[0],hand[1],hand[2]]
        print(hand, best5, 'trips')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 1:       
        best5 = [hand[4],hand[5],hand[0],hand[1],hand[2]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 10:       
        best5 = [hand[5],hand[6],hand[0],hand[1],hand[2]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 11:       
        best5 = [hand[1],hand[2],hand[4],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit


if start_spot == 3 and end_spot == 4:
    if   pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 0:        
        best5 = [hand[2],hand[5],hand[6],hand[3],hand[4]]
        print(hand, best5, 'one pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 1:
        print("ERROR 1")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit    
    elif pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 10:       
        best5 = [hand[2],hand[3],hand[4],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 11:       
        print("ERROR 2")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit

    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 0:        
        best5 = [hand[6],hand[1],hand[2],hand[3],hand[4]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 1:       
        print("ERROR 3")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit    
    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 10:       
        best5 = [hand[2],hand[3],hand[4],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 11:       
        print("ERROR 4")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit

    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 0:        
        best5 = [hand[6],hand[0],hand[1],hand[3],hand[4]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 1:       
        print("ERROR 5")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 10:       
        best5 = [hand[4],hand[0],hand[1],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 11:       
        print("ERROR 6")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit

    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 0:        
        best5 = [hand[3],hand[4],hand[0],hand[1],hand[2]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 1:       
        print("ERROR 7")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 10:       
        best5 = [hand[5],hand[6],hand[0],hand[1],hand[2]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 11:       
        print("ERROR 8")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit


if start_spot == 2 and end_spot == 3:
    if   pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 0:        
        best5 = [hand[4],hand[5],hand[6],hand[2],hand[3]]
        print(hand, best5, 'one pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 1:
        best5 = [hand[6],hand[2],hand[3],hand[4],hand[5]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 10:       
        best5 = [hand[4],hand[2],hand[3],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 11:       
        print("ERROR 9")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit

    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 0:        
        print("ERROR 10")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 1:       
        print("ERROR 11")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit    
    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 10:       
        print("ERROR 12")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 11:       
        print("ERROR 13")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit

    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 0:        
        best5 = [hand[6],hand[0],hand[1],hand[2],hand[3]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 1:       
        best5 = [hand[6],hand[2],hand[3],hand[4],hand[5]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 10:       
        best5 = [hand[4],hand[2],hand[3],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'two pair')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 11:       
        print("ERROR 14")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit

    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 0:        
        print("ERROR 15")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 1:       
        print("ERROR 16")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 10:       
        print("ERROR 17")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 11:       
        print("ERROR 18")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit


if start_spot == 2 and end_spot == 4:
    if   pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 0:        
        best5 = [hand[5],hand[6],hand[2],hand[3],hand[4]]
        print(hand, best5, 'trips')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 1:
        print("ERROR 19")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit    
    elif pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 10:       
        best5 = [hand[5],hand[6],hand[2],hand[3],hand[4]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  0 and pc_r == 11:       
        print("ERROR 20")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit

    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 0:        
        print("ERROR 21")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 1:       
        print("ERROR 22")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit    
    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 10:       
        print("ERROR 23")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 1  and pc_r == 11:       
        print("ERROR 24")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit

    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 0:        
        best5 = [hand[0],hand[1],hand[2],hand[3],hand[4]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 1:       
        print("ERROR 25")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 10:       
        best5 = [hand[5],hand[6],hand[2],hand[3],hand[4]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 10 and pc_r == 11:       
        print("ERROR 26")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit

    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 0:        
        print("ERROR 27")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 1:       
        print("ERROR 28")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 10:       
        print("ERROR 29")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l == 11 and pc_r == 11:       
        print("ERROR 30")
        pass # can't happen
        raise SystemExit


if start_spot == 1 and end_spot == 3:
    if   pc_r ==  0:
        best5 = [hand[5],hand[6],hand[1],hand[2],hand[3]]
        print(hand, best5, 'trips')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_r ==  1:
        best5 = [hand[4],hand[5],hand[1],hand[2],hand[3]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_r ==  10:   
        best5 = [hand[5],hand[6],hand[1],hand[2],hand[3]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_r ==  11:
        best5 = [hand[2],hand[3],hand[4],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit


if start_spot == 3 and end_spot == 5:
    if   pc_l ==  0:
        best5 = [hand[2],hand[6],hand[3],hand[4],hand[5]]
        print(hand, best5, 'trips')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  1:
        best5 = [hand[1],hand[2],hand[3],hand[4],hand[5]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  10:   
        best5 = [hand[0],hand[1],hand[3],hand[4],hand[5]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit
    elif pc_l ==  11:
        best5 = [hand[1],hand[2],hand[4],hand[5],hand[6]]
        print(hand, best5, 'full house')
        raise SystemExit


print("ERROR 99")
pass # can't happen
raise SystemExit
python algorithm performance poker


  • 它是直的吗?
  • 它是同花顺吗?
  • 它包含多少个k对?
  • 最大的k对的大小是多少?


from collections import Counter
from itertools import combinations

def num_of_kind(cards):
    return Counter(c[0] for c in cards)

def count_pairs(cards):
    return sum(i > 1 for i in num_of_kind(cards).values())

def largest_pair(cards):
    return max(num_of_kind(cards).values())

def is_straight(cards):
    values = [c[0] for c in cards]
    index = "A23456789TJQKA"["K" in values:].index
    indices = sorted(index(v) for v in values)
    return all(x == y for x, y in enumerate(indices, indices[0]))

def is_flush(cards):
    suit_pop = Counter(c[1] for c in cards)
    return any(s > 4 for s in suit_pop.values())

def straight_sort(cards):
    values = [c[0] for c in cards]
    index = "A23456789TJQKA"["K" in values:].index
    return sorted(cards, key=lambda x:index(x[0]), reverse=True)

def flush_sort(cards):
    suit_pop = Counter(c[1] for c in cards)
    return sorted(cards, key=lambda x: suit_pop[x[1]], reverse=True)

def pair_sort(cards):
    num = num_of_kind(cards)
    return sorted(cards, key=lambda x: num[x[0]], reverse=True)

def card_vals(cards):
    return [c[0] for c in cards]

def score_hand(cards):
    pairs = count_pairs(cards)
    largest = largest_pair(cards)
    straight = is_straight(cards)
    flush = is_flush(cards)

    cards = straight_sort(cards)
    hand_score = 0
    if flush and straight:
        hand_score, cards = 8, flush_sort(cards)
    elif largest == 4:
        hand_score, cards = 7, pair_sort(cards)
    elif pairs == 2 and largest == 3:
        hand_score, cards = 6, pair_sort(cards)
    elif flush:
        hand_score, cards = 5, flush_sort(cards)
    elif straight:
        hand_score = 4
    elif largest == 3:
        hand_score, cards = 3, pair_sort(cards)
        hand_score, cards = pairs, pair_sort(cards)
    return hand_score, card_vals(cards), cards

def best_hand(cards):
    cards = max(list(combinations(cards, 5)), key=score_hand)
    score, _, hand = score_hand(cards)
    return hand[::-1], score

def main():
    hand = ['2c','Ah','3d', '5s','4h','5d', '3h']

if __name__ == "__main__":




  • 比较都涉及比较卡片价值(数量)和/或套装。因此,您可能需要考虑制作卡号列表和卡套装列表。或者看看itertools模块的技巧。
  • 同花顺和同花顺是唯一的手套。否则,你只看卡号。
  • 直接和同花顺是你必须寻找5个连续数字的唯一手牌。请记住,这可能包括ace和面部卡。此外,如果包括ace,那么它必须在开始或结束时(例如,“Q K A 2 3”不算作直线)。您可能还想查看模块more_itertools.consecutive_groups
  • 另一只手(一对,两对,三种,满屋,四种)都是基于相同数字出现的频率。如果值出现4次,则无需检查此列表中的其他指针。如果一个出现3次,那么检查你是否可以做一个完整的房子,否则它是一个三个。你可以像往常一样从最高手到最低手来检查这个列表,当你得到一个匹配时停止。
  • 您甚至可以考虑制作一个名为Card的课程,并将您的卡片作为“卡片”类型的对象提供。然后你可以让班级中的函数返回卡片的套装或数值。
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