AppleScript 将 iCal 事件从一个日历移动到另一个日历

问题描述 投票:0回答:2


tell application "Calendar"
move ((events of calendar "Cal1") whose summary contains "Test") to calendar "Cal2" 
end tell

但是,这是 iCal 返回此错误:

“保存日历数据时出错。 日历在保存到数据库时遇到严重错误,最近的更改可能会丢失。控制台中可能会提供更多信息。”


谢谢:) J

calendar applescript icalendar

这对于当前版本的 Calendar 中的 AppleScript 来说是一项艰巨的任务。可以通过重复目标事件列表,根据目标事件的属性创建新事件,然后删除原始事件来完成。或者你可以从App Store获取我的应用程序。



我为此任务使用以下脚本。照原样,脚本duplicates事件(按摘要条件)从一个日历到另一个。如果您想要 move 效果,请取消注释脚本底部的 3 行代码:

set SourceCalendarName to "Σπίτι"
set DestinationCalendarName to "Untitled"

tell application "Calendar"
    set sourceCalendar to calendar SourceCalendarName
    set destinationCalendar to calendar DestinationCalendarName
    -- Copy sources to destination --
    repeat with anEvent in (get events of sourceCalendar whose summary contains "hello")
        tell anEvent
            set |allday event| to allday event
            set |start date| to start date
            set |end date| to end date
            set |url| to url
            set |location| to location
            set |recurrence| to recurrence
            set |description| to description
            set |excluded dates| to excluded dates
            set |stamp date| to stamp date
            set |summary| to summary
        end tell
        tell destinationCalendar
            set newEvent to (make new event at end of events with properties {allday event:|allday event|, start date:|start date|, end date:|end date|})
            tell newEvent
                if not (|url| is missing value) then set url to |url|
                if not (|location| is missing value) then set location to |location|
                if not (|recurrence| is missing value) then set recurrence to |recurrence|
                if not (|description| is missing value) then set description to |description|
                if not (|summary| is missing value) then set summary to |summary|
                if not (|excluded dates| is missing value) then set excluded dates to |excluded dates|
                if not (|stamp date| is missing value) then set stamp date to |stamp date|
            end tell
        end tell
        -- try
        -- delete (contents of anEvent)
        -- end try
    end repeat
end tell
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