在 foreach 循环中使用通用类型

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public class Parameter<T> : IParameter<T> where T : IEnumerable<T>
  public List<UInt64> output = new List<UInt64>();

   private T _value;
   public T Value
       get => ...;

           // I want to be able to apply special treat to the value
           // Value can be of any type: int, int[], bool, bool[]
           foreach (var v in value)
               output.Add(Convert.UInt64(v) + 5);



public interface IParameter<T> where T : IEnumerable<T>
   T Value { get; set; }


public class TestModule : ModuleBase, ITestModule
    public IParameter<bool[]> Test1 { get; set; } = new Parameter<bool[]>();
    public IParameter<uint[]> Test2 { get; set; } = new Parameter<uint[]>();
    public IParameter<int> Test3 { get; set; } = new Parameter<int>();


c# generics ienumerable


public class Parameter<T> : IParameter<T> where T : IEnumerable<T>

意味着不管是什么类型的T,都是同一类型的可枚举的,比如说一个类型的T bool[] 应是 IEnumerable<bool[]> 这显然是不正确的。


    public class Parameter<TEnumerable, TType> : IParameter<TEnumerable, TType> where TEnumerable : IEnumerable<TType>
        public List<ulong> output = new List<ulong>();

        private TEnumerable _value;
        public TEnumerable Value
            get => { return null; }

                // I want to be able to apply special treat to the value
                // Value can be of any type: int, int[], bool, bool[]
                foreach (Q v in value)
                    output.Add(Convert.ToUInt64(v) + 5);

    public interface IParameter<TEnumerable, TType> where TEnumerable : IEnumerable<TType>
        TEnumerable Value { get; set; }

    public class TestModule
        public IParameter<bool[], bool> Test1 { get; set; } = new Parameter<bool[], bool>();
        public IParameter<uint[], uint> Test2 { get; set; } = new Parameter<uint[], uint>();
        public IParameter<int[], int> Test3 { get; set; } = new Parameter<int[], int>();



    public class Parameter<TType>
        public List<ulong> output = new List<ulong>();

        private IEnumerable<TType> _value;
        public IEnumerable<TType> Value
            get => { return null; }

                // I want to be able to apply special treat to the value
                // Value can be of any type: int, int[], bool, bool[]
                foreach (TType v in value)
                    output.Add(Convert.ToUInt64(v) + 5);

    public class TestModule
        public Parameter<bool> Test1 { get; set; } = new Parameter<bool>();
        public Parameter<uint> Test2 { get; set; } = new Parameter<uint>();
        public Parameter<int> Test3 { get; set; } = new Parameter<int>();
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