
问题描述 投票:4回答:1


                number of elements: 20,000,000
                            byte[]:  6.860ms
       byte[] as IEnumerable<byte>: 89.444ms
CustomCollection.IEnumerator<byte>: 89.667ms


private byte[] byteArray = new byte[20000000];
private CustomCollection<byte> collection = new CustomCollection<T>( 20000000 );

public void enumerateByteArray()
  var counter = 0;
  foreach( var item in byteArray )
     counter += item;

public void enumerateByteArrayAsIEnumerable()
  var counter = 0;
  var casted = (IEnumerable<byte>) byteArray;
  foreach( var item in casted )
     counter += item;

public void enumerateCollection()
  var counter = 0;
  foreach( var item in collection )
     counter += item;


public class CustomCollectionEnumerator : IEnumerable<T> where T : unmanaged
    private CustomCollection<T> _collection;
    private int _index;
    private int _endIndex;

    public CustomCollectionEnumerator( CustomCollection<T> collection )
      _collection = collection;
      _index = -1;
      _endIndex = collection.Length;

    public bool MoveNext()
      if ( _index < _endIndex )
        return ( _index < _endIndex );
      return false;

    public T Current => _collection[ _index ];
    object IEnumerator.Current => _collection[ _index ];
    public void Reset()  { _index = -1; }
    public void Dispose() {  }

public class CustomCollection<T> : IEnumerable<T> where T : unmanaged
  private T* _ptr;

  public int Length { get; private set; }

  public T this[ int index ]
    [MethodImpl( MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining )]
    get => *_ptr[ index ];
    [MethodImpl( MethodImplOptions.AggressiveInlining )]
    set => *_ptr[ index ] = value;

  public IEnumerator<T> GetEnumerator()
    return new CustomCollectionEnumerator<T>( this );




c# ienumerable roslyn

实际上,类型实际上不需要在IEnumerable语句中使用IEnumerable<T> / foreachforeach语句是duck-typed,这意味着编译器首先查找具有正确签名的公共方法(GetEnumerator()MoveNext()Current),无论它们是否是这些接口的实现,并且只在必要时才回退到接口。



public Enumerator GetEnumerator() => new Enumerator(this);

// Being a ref struct makes it less likely to mess up the pointer usage,
// but doesn't affect the foreach loop
// There is no technical reason why this couldn't implement IEnumerator
// as long as lifetime issues are considered
public unsafe ref struct Enumerator
    // Storing the pointer directly instead of the collection reference to reduce indirection
    // Assuming it's immutable for the lifetime of the enumerator
    private readonly T* _ptr;
    private uint _index;
    private readonly uint _endIndex;

    public T Current
            // This check could be omitted at the cost of safety if consumers are
            // expected to never manually use the enumerator in an incorrect order
            if (_index >= _endIndex)

            // Without the (int) cast Desktop x86 generates much worse code,
            // but only if _ptr is generic. Not sure why.
            return _ptr[(int)_index];

    internal Enumerator(CustomCollection<T> collection)
        _ptr = collection._ptr;
        _index = UInt32.MaxValue;
        _endIndex = (uint)collection.Length;

    // Technically this could unexpectedly reset the enumerator if someone were to
    // manually call MoveNext() countless times after it returns false for some reason
    public bool MoveNext() => unchecked(++_index) < _endIndex;

    // Pulling this out of the getter improves inlining of Current
    private static void ThrowInvalidOp() => throw new InvalidOperationException();
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