
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我需要你的帮助与Oracle.我需要做一个控制报告,通过使用一个表称为 restaurant_info 这个表是这样的。

|     COMP_NAME    |      CODE     |
|     Pizza Co     |      PIC      |
|    So Asian      |      SOA      |

我有另一个表,叫做 restaurant_inc 返回一天结束时餐馆的收入。

|        CODE      |   DATE_RES    |      INCOME     |
|        PIC       |   14/04/2020  |      15908      |   
|        PIC       |   15/04/2020  |      10890      |
|        PIC       |   16/04/2020  |      10000      |
|        PIC       |   17/04/2020  |      12890      |
|        PIC       |   18/04/2020  |      13890      |
|        PIC       |   20/04/2020  |      10880      |
|        PIC       |   21/04/2020  |      9890       |
|        PIC       |   22/04/2020  |       9500      |

正如你所看到的,该表显示的是由代码标识的餐馆的收入。我想做的是做一个查询,读作 COMP_NAME,CODE 并通过CASE报表来判断收入是否缺失。结果是这样的。

|     COMP_NAME    |      CODE     |   DATE_RES    |      CHECK    |
|     Pizza Co     |      PIC      |   14/04/2020  |               |
|     Pizza Co     |      PIC      |   15/04/2020  |               |
|     Pizza Co     |      PIC      |   16/04/2020  |               |
|     Pizza Co     |      PIC      |   17/04/2020  |               |
|     Pizza Co     |      PIC      |   18/04/2020  |               |
|     Pizza Co     |      PIC      |   19/04/2020  |    Missing    |
|     Pizza Co     |      PIC      |   20/04/2020  |               |
|     Pizza Co     |      PIC      |   21/04/2020  |               |
|     Pizza Co     |      PIC      |   22/04/2020  |               |
|    So Asian      |      SOA      |   14/04/2020  |    Missing    |
|    So Asian      |      SOA      |   15/04/2020  |    Missing    |
|    So Asian      |      SOA      |   16/04/2020  |    Missing    |
|    So Asian      |      SOA      |   17/04/2020  |    Missing    |
|    So Asian      |      SOA      |   18/04/2020  |    Missing    |
|    So Asian      |      SOA      |   20/04/2020  |    Missing    |
|    So Asian      |      SOA      |   21/04/2020  |    Missing    |
|    So Asian      |      SOA      |   22/04/2020  |    Missing    |

正如你所看到的,在我的例子中,值为 CHECK 对于 So Asia 是空的,因为在表中没有记录 restaurant_inc 我不知道如何在我的select查询中添加日期,以及如何处理表中的缺失值。restaurant_inc. 在我的控制请求中,我需要告诉列的日期范围。DATE_RES.你能帮我找到一种方法来进行这个控制请求吗?

EDIT : 我试过这个查询......我的日期范围是在4月14日到4月22日之间。

SELECT inf.comp_name,inf.code,inc.date_res,case when 
(select income from restaurant_inc r where r.date_res=inc.date_res)
is null then 'Missing' end as CHECK FROM restaurant_info inf,
restaurant_inc inc where inf.code=inc.code and
and inc.date_res<=to_date('22/04/2020','DD/MM/YYYY')

我的日期范围是在4月14日到4月22日之间。So AsiaPizza Co. 我想这是因为日期不在表格中 restaurant_inc.提前感谢您的帮助。

oracle select


-- set up sample data
with restaurant_info as (select 'Pizza Co' as comp_name, 'PIC' as code from dual union select 'So Asian', 'SO' from dual),
    restaurant_inc as (select 'PIC' as code,to_date('14/04/2020','dd/mm/yyyy') as date_res,15908 as income from dual union
                        select 'PIC',to_date('15/04/2020','dd/mm/yyyy'),10890 from dual union
                        select 'PIC',to_date('16/04/2020','dd/mm/yyyy'),10000 from dual union
                        select 'PIC',to_date('17/04/2020','dd/mm/yyyy'),12890 from dual union
                        select 'PIC',to_date('18/04/2020','dd/mm/yyyy'),13890 from dual union
                        select 'PIC',to_date('20/04/2020','dd/mm/yyyy'),10880 from dual union
                        select 'PIC',to_date('21/04/2020','dd/mm/yyyy'),9890  from dual union
                        select 'PIC',to_date('22/04/2020','dd/mm/yyyy'), 9500 from dual)
-- actual query
select r.comp_name, r.code, d.date_res, case when i.date_res is null then 'Missing' end as "Check"
from restaurant_info r
cross join (select date '2020-04-14' + level as date_res from dual 
    connect by level <= 8) d 
left join restaurant_inc i on r.code = i.code and i.date_res = d.date_res
order by 1, 3;


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