C# MongoDB MongoDB.Bson.BsonSerializationException: '' cannot use element name '' because it is already being used by property '' of type ''

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我有以下数据模型:(使用 C# 和 MongoDB 工作)

public class aClass
    public virtual string Content { get; set; }
public class aClassDao
    public override string Content { get; set; }
public class MongoDbContext
    public IMongoDatabase Database { get; }
    public IMongoCollection<aClassDao> Classes=> Database.GetCollection<aClassDao>("Classes");

    public MongoDbContext()
        // some connection logic


MongoDB.Bson.BsonSerializationException: The property 'Content' of type 'aClassDao' cannot use element name 
'Content' because it is already being used by property 'Content' of type 'aClass'.
c# asp.net mongodb inheritance serialization
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