如何在 Node.js 中生成 PDF/A 文件?

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我必须为 Node.js 项目生成 PDF/A-3 文件。我希望能够从头开始生成 PDF/A-3 文件或将现有文件转换为 PDF/A-3。


我检查了 pdfkit、jsPDF、pdf-lib 等库...但它们似乎没有提供获取 PDF/A-3 文件的简单接口。


一些付费库,如 pspdfkit 和 apryse 似乎有实用程序可以做到这一点,但它们不是免费的。

javascript node.js pdf-generation


// This Node.js project will generate a PDF/A-3 file from scratch or convert an existing file to PDF/A-3.

// Require the necessary modules
const fs = require('fs');
const pdf = require('pdfkit');
const pdfa = require('pdf-a');

// Create a function to generate a PDF/A-3 file from scratch
function generatePDF() {
  // Create a new PDF document
  const doc = new pdf();

  // Add content to the PDF document
  doc.text('This is a PDF/A-3 file.');

  // Create a writable stream
  const writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('my-pdf.pdf');

  // Pipe the PDF document to the writable stream

  // End the PDF document

  // Convert the PDF document to PDF/A-3
  pdfa.convert(writableStream, 'my-pdf.pdf', 'pdfa-3');

// Create a function to convert an existing file to PDF/A-3
function convertToPDF() {
  // Read the existing file
  const readableStream = fs.createReadStream('my-file.txt');

  // Create a writable stream
  const writableStream = fs.createWriteStream('my-pdf.pdf');

  // Convert the existing file to PDF/A-3
  pdfa.convert(readableStream, writableStream, 'pdfa-3');

// Call the functions



npm install pdf-lib

现在,创建一个 Node.js 脚本并使用 pdf-lib 库生成 PDF/A 文件:

const { PDFDocument, rgb, StandardFonts } = require('pdf-lib');
const fs = require('fs');

async function generatePDFA() {
  // Create a new PDF/A document
  const pdfDoc = await PDFDocument.create();

  // Set the PDF/A version to PDF/A-2B (PDF/A version 2, Level B)

  // Add a new page
  const page = pdfDoc.addPage([595, 842]); // Default PDF page size: A4 (in points)

  // Get the built-in Helvetica font
  const font = await pdfDoc.embedFont(StandardFonts.Helvetica);

  // Add text to the page
  const text = 'Hello, PDF/A!';
  const { width, height } = font.widthOfTextAtSize(text, 24);
  page.drawText(text, {
    x: 50,
    y: 800,
    size: 24,
    font: font,
    color: rgb(0, 0, 0), // Black color

  // Serialize the PDF/A document to a Uint8Array
  const pdfBytes = await pdfDoc.save();

  // Save the PDF/A to a file
  fs.writeFileSync('output.pdf', pdfBytes);

generatePDFA().catch((err) => console.log('Error:', err.message));
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