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我要改变vscode中的solidity代码风格。 我已经安装了 Solidity 插件。 当我点击 SHIFT + ALT + F 时,它没有任何动作。

当我shift + alt + f时,它应该有正确的样式。 如果您对此很了解,请告诉我。

plugins styles solidity vscode-extensions shift
1.  Ensure Solidity Extension is Enabled: Double-check that the Solidity extension is properly installed and enabled. Sometimes, extensions can be disabled accidentally.
2.  Check for Conflicts: If you have multiple formatters for Solidity or similar languages installed, they might conflict. Go to the Extensions tab, search for any other Solidity-related extensions you have installed, and temporarily disable them to see if that resolves the issue.
3.  Configure Default Formatter: Sometimes, VSCode does not automatically set the installed Solidity extension as the default formatter for .sol files. You can specify it manually:
•   Open a .sol file.
•   Right-click on the document.
•   Click “Format Document With…”.
•   Then select “Configure Default Formatter…”.
•   Choose the Solidity extension from the list.
4.  Edit Settings.json: You can manually add configuration to your settings.json file to ensure VSCode uses the Solidity formatter.
•   Open Command Palette with Ctrl+Shift+P.
•   Type Preferences: Open Settings (JSON) and press Enter.
5.  Check for Updates: Ensure both VSCode and the Solidity extension are up to date. Sometimes, bugs related to formatting are fixed in newer versions.
6.  Restart VSCode: After making changes to settings or extensions, it’s a good idea to restart VSCode to ensure all changes take effect properly.
7.  Check the Keyboard Shortcut: Go to File > Preferences > Keyboard Shortcuts and search for Format Document. Ensure it is set to SHIFT + ALT + F. If not, you can set it manually.

如果这些步骤都不起作用,请考虑在 Solidity 扩展的 GitHub 页面上查找任何未解决的问题或在那里寻求支持。有时,某些版本的 VSCode 或扩展本身的特定错误或兼容性问题可能会导致此类行为,维护人员或社区可能有解决方法。

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