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我必须解决莎士比亚戏剧中每个角色所说的行数,给定一个 .txt 文件,结果是角色名称作为键,行数是值/行数。 .txt 文件包含整个剧本的文本,但角色名称仅在说话时全部大写。名称可以在同一行上加上引号,也可以单独使用。名称后面没有分号,也没有其他标记。我不知所措。


SAMPSON  Yes, better, sir.

ABRAM  You lie.

SAMPSON  Draw if you be men.--Gregory, remember
thy washing blow.   [They fight.]

BENVOLIO  Part, fools!  [Drawing his sword.]
Put up your swords. You know not what you do.

[Enter Tybalt, drawing his sword.]

What, art thou drawn among these heartless hinds?
Turn thee, Benvolio; look upon thy death.

I do but keep the peace. Put up thy sword,
Or manage it to part these men with me.

What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word
As I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee.
Have at thee, coward!   [They fight.]

[Enter three or four Citizens with clubs or partisans.]
python dictionary file text-files readlines
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