(set!(.-onload image)(fn []))不起作用

问题描述 投票:0回答:2


(defn image-selector []
   ;; appending image in this div
   [:div {:id "test-div"}]
   [:input {:type "file"
                     :multiple true
                     :id "input-image"
                     (fn [e]
                         (let [files (array-seq (.. e -target -files))]
                           (doseq [file files]
                             ;; must create a new file-reader in each iteration
                             (let [file-reader (js/FileReader.)]
                               (set! (.-onload file-reader)
                                 (fn [e]
                                   (let [data-url (-> e .-target .-result)]
                                     (dispatch [:images (compress-img data-url)]))))
                               (.readAsDataURL file-reader file)))))}]])

(defn compress-img [data-url]
  "takes data-url. Compresses it and returns a blob."
  (let [image (js/Image.)
        canvas (js/document.createElement "canvas")
        ctx (.getContext canvas "2d")
        blob (js/Blob. [data-url])
        window-url (or (-> js/window .-URL) (-> js/window .-webkitURL ))
        blob-url (.createObjectURL window-url blob)
    (set! (.-onload image)
;; doesn't print 
          (fn [_]

            (prn "image height" (.-height image))
            (prn "image width " (.-width image))
            (set! (.-src image) blob-url)

            (.appendChild (js/document.getElementById "test-div") image)

            (.drawImage ctx image 0 0 (.-width image) (.-height image))
            ;; approximating sizes of compressed and uncompressed images
            (prn "size original (MB)" (* 0.75 0.000001 (.-length data-url)))
            (prn "size upload (MB)" (* 0.75 0.000001 (.-length (.toDataURL canvas "image/png" 0.1))))
            ;; compressing and returning the blob
            (js/Blob. [(.toDataURL canvas "image/png" 0.1)])

    (set! (.-onerror image)
;; doesn't print
          (fn [e]
            (prn "error is " e)
            (prn "error")))


canvas blob filereader clojurescript onload
为了触发onload上的onerrorImage,首先需要(set! (.-src img) data-url)


(defn clamp [^js image width heigth] (let [img-width (.-width image) img-height (.-height image) ratio (/ img-width img-height) portrait? (< img-width img-height) w (if (< img-width width) img-width (if portrait? width (* width ratio))) h (if (< img-height heigth) img-height (if portrait? (/ heigth ratio) heigth))] [w h])) (defn resize! [image width height callback] (let [canvas (.createElement js/document "canvas") ctx (.getContext canvas "2d") [w h] (clamp image width height)] (set! (.-width canvas) w) (set! (.-height canvas) h) (.drawImage ctx image 0 0 w h) (callback (.toDataURL canvas)))) (defn resize-data-url! [uri width height callback] (let [img (.createElement js/document "img")] (set! (.-onload img) (fn [] (this-as image (resize! image width height callback)))) (set! (.-src img) uri) nil)) (defn with-image-data "Asynchronously load an image `file` in a FileReader, then call the `callback` fn with the FileReader's result and a DOM Image intance. Usefull to get the image content as a DataUrl, image width and height. If the file is not an image, call `callback` with nil arguments." [file callback] (if-not (= (files/type file) :file.type/image) (callback nil nil) (let [reader (js/FileReader.) img (js/Image.)] (set! (.-onload reader) #(set! (.-src img) (.-result reader))) (set! (.-onerror reader) #(taoensso.timbre/error %)) (set! (.-onload img) (fn [_] (resize-data-url! (.-result reader) 300 300 (fn [url] (callback url img))))) (.readAsDataURL reader file) nil)))

在您的代码示例中,(set! (.-src image) blob-url)滑入了onload事件处理程序本身。



(set! (.-src image) blob-url) (set! (.-onload image) (fn [_] (prn "image height" (.-height image)) (prn "image width " (.-width image)) (.appendChild (js/document.getElementById "test-div") image) (.drawImage ctx image 0 0 (.-width image) (.-height image)) ;; approximating sizes of compressed and uncompressed images (prn "size original (MB)" (* 0.75 0.000001 (.-length data-url))) (prn "size upload (MB)" (* 0.75 0.000001 (.-length (.toDataURL canvas "image/png" 0.1)))) ;; compressing and returning the blob (js/Blob. [(.toDataURL canvas "image/png" 0.1)]) ))

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