使用 Word VBA SaveAs2 时文件名中出现问号

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个 VBA 宏,它获取一个 Word 文档并将其逐页拆分为单独的 Word 文档。它主要基于此:http://www.vbaexpress.com/kb/getarticle.php?kb_id=727


我认为这是一个非打印字符,所以我尝试修剪并尝试替换 ^p、^m 和其他不可见字符。那行不通。如果我通过 MsgBox 运行 jobTitle 或 strNewFileName,问号不会出现。

Option Explicit
Sub SplitIntoPages()
    Dim docMultiple As Document
    Dim docSingle As Document
    Dim rngPage As Range
    Dim iCurrentPage As Integer
    Dim iPageCount As Integer
    Dim strNewFileName As String
    Dim rngForFindSelect As Range
    Dim jobTitle As String
    Dim jobTitleForFilename As String
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    Set docMultiple = ActiveDocument 'Work on the active document (the one currently containing the Selection)
    Set rngPage = docMultiple.Range 'instantiate the range object
    iCurrentPage = 1
    iPageCount = 5 'limiting to 5 pages for testing
    'docMultiple.Content.ComputeStatistics(wdStatisticPages)  'get the document's page count
    Do Until iCurrentPage > iPageCount
        If iCurrentPage = iPageCount Then
            rngPage.End = ActiveDocument.Range.End 'last page (there won't be a next page)
             'Find the beginning of the next page
             'Must use the Selection object. The Range.Goto method will not work on a page
            Selection.GoTo wdGoToPage, wdGoToAbsolute, iCurrentPage + 1 'Set the end of the range to the point between the pages
            rngPage.End = Selection.Start
        End If
        rngPage.Copy 'copy the page into the Windows clipboard
        Set docSingle = Documents.Add 'create a new document
        docSingle.Range.Paste 'paste the clipboard contents to the new document
         'remove any manual page break to prevent a second blank
        docSingle.Range.Find.Execute FindText:="^b", ReplaceWith:="^p"

        Set rngForFindSelect = docSingle.Range
        With rngForFindSelect.Find
            .Execute FindText:="Job Title"
            If .Found = True Then
            .Parent.Expand Unit:=wdSentence
            jobTitle = .Parent.Text
            End If
        End With
        jobTitle = Replace(jobTitle, "Job Title: ", "")
        jobTitle = Trim(jobTitle)

         'build a new sequentially-numbered file name based on the original multi-paged file name and path
        strNewFileName = Replace(docMultiple.FullName, ".docm", "_" & jobTitle & "_" & Right$("000" & iCurrentPage, 4) & ".docx")
        MsgBox strNewFileName
        docSingle.SaveAs2 FileName:=strNewFileName, FileFormat:=wdFormatDocumentDefault
        docSingle.Close SaveChanges:=wdSaveChanges 'close the new document
        iCurrentPage = iCurrentPage + 1 'move to the next page
        rngPage.Collapse wdCollapseEnd 'go to the next page
    Loop 'go to the top of the do loop
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 'restore the screen updating
     'Destroy the objects.
    Set docMultiple = Nothing
    Set docSingle = Nothing
    Set rngPage = Nothing

End Sub

screenshot of filenames

screenshot of Word document

vba macos ms-word filenames
  • 末尾有一个非打印格式标记(段落)。添加代码行以将其从
        With rngForFindSelect.Find
            .Execute FindText:="Job Title"
            If .Found = True Then
                .Parent.Expand Unit:=wdSentence
                .Parent.End = .Parent.End - 1
                jobTitle = .Parent.Text
            End If
        End With
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