如何修复此结构字符串函数C ++? [重复]

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


struct Movie{
string movieName;
double firstWeek;
double secondWeek;
double thirdWeek;
double fourthWeek;
double total;
double avg;



 void dispMenu();
    char menuChoice();
    void inputData(Movie *mov);
    float getValidSale();
    void TotalAvgSales(Movie *mov);
    void displayMovieData(Movie mov);

int main(){

cout << "Welcome to Movie Data\n";

// movie 1 and 2 structure variables
Movie movie1, movie2;

char choice = 'B';
do { // loop while not D
    choice = menuChoice(); // get menu choice

    switch (choice) // menu options
        case 'A':
        case 'a':
            // input for first movie
            cout << "First Movie\n";
            // input for second movie
            cout << endl << "Second Movie\n";
        case 'B':
        case 'b':
            // compute for movie 1
            // compute for movie 2
            cout << "Completed!\n";
        case 'C':
        case 'c':
            // display for first movie
            cout << "First Movie\n";
            // display for second movie
            cout << "Second Movie\n";
        case 'd':
} while (choice != 'D');



void dispMenu(){
    cout << "Menu Options:\n";
    cout << "A) Add Data\n";
    cout << "B) Compute Total and Avg\n";
    cout << "C) Display Data\n";
    cout << "D) Quit\n";


char menuChoice(){
    char choice; // option selected
    dispMenu(); // displays menu
    cin >> choice;
    choice = toupper(choice); // if they enter lowercase, changes it to uppercase
    cin.ignore(1, '\n'); // ignores input buffer

    while ( choice < 'A' || choice > 'D') // make sure it is A B C or D
        dispMenu(); // display menu
        cin >> choice;
        choice = toupper(choice); // if enter lower case, make upper case
        cin.ignore(1, '\n'); // ignore input buffer
    return choice;

float getValidSale(){
    float sale;
    cout << "Please enter in the number of tickets sold...\n";
    cin >> sale;

    while ( sale < 0){
        cout << "Please enter in the number of tickets sold (>0)...";
        cin >> sale;
    return sale;


void inputData(Movie *mov){
    // enter movie name
    cout << "Please enter in Movie name...";
    getline (cin, mov->movieName);

    // enter first week sales
    cout << "First Week Number of Tickets Sold...\n";
    cout << "Please enter the number of tickets sold...";
    cin >> mov->firstWeek;

    // verify input >0a
    while(mov->firstWeek < 0){
        cout << "Please enter in the number of tickets sold (>0)...";
        cin >> mov->firstWeek;

    // enter second week sales
    cout << "Second Week Number of Tickets Sold...\n";
    cout << "Please enter the number of tickets sold...";
    cin >> mov->secondWeek;

    // verify input >0
    while(mov->secondWeek < 0){
        cout << "Please enter in the number of tickets sold (>0)...";
        cin >> mov->secondWeek;

    // enter third week sales
    cout << "Third Week Number of Tickets Sold...\n";
    cout << "Please enter the number of tickets sold...";
    cin >> mov->thirdWeek;

    // verify input >0
    while(mov->thirdWeek < 0){
        cout << "Please enter in the number of tickets sold (>0)...";
        cin >> mov->thirdWeek;

    // enter second week sales
    cout << "Fourth Week Number of Tickets Sold...\n";
    cout << "Please enter the number of tickets sold...";
    cin >> mov->fourthWeek;

    // verify input >0
    while(mov->fourthWeek < 0){
        cout << "Please enter in the number of tickets sold (>0)...";
        cin >> mov->fourthWeek;


void TotalAvgSales(Movie *mov){
    // adding up the sales of each week
    mov -> total = mov->firstWeek + mov->secondWeek + mov->thirdWeek + mov->fourthWeek;
    // finding the average
    mov -> avg = mov->total/4;


void displayMovieData(Movie mov)
    cout << fixed << setprecision(2);
    cout << "First Movie\n";
    cout << "Division Name: " << mov.movieName << endl;
    cout << "First Quarter Sales: "<< mov.firstWeek << endl;
    cout << "Second Quarter Sales: "<< mov.secondWeek << endl;
    cout << "Third Quarter Sales: " << mov.thirdWeek << endl;
    cout << "Fourth Quarter Sales: "<< mov.fourthWeek << endl;
    cout << "Total Number of Tickets Sold: " << mov.total << endl;
    cout << "Average Number of Tickets Sold: " << mov. avg << endl;
c++ string c++11 structure

我相信我已解决。就在上方getline(cin,mov-> movieName);我加了一个cin.clear();还有一个cin.ignore();这似乎有效。

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