使用重叠记录构建时间线 - SQL-DB2-IBM

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个表,其中保存与工作时间和任务相关的信息,我想获取每个用户的总工作时间。但每个用户都可以同时处理多个任务。 所以,结果是我的任务重叠了。 这是我的桌子

用户ID 任务_id 开始_日期时间 结束_日期时间 总时间
用户1 任务1 2023-08-09 08:00:00 2023-08-09 09:00:00 01:00:00
用户1 任务2 2023-08-09 08:15:00 2023-08-09 10:00:00 01:45:00
用户2 任务1 2023-08-09 08:30:00 2023-08-09 10:00:00 01:30:00
用户2 任务2 2023-08-09 09:00:00 2023-08-09 11:30:00 02:30:00
用户1 任务3 2023-08-09 11:15:00 2023-08-09 13:00:00 02:45:00
用户2 任务3 2023-08-09 15:15:00 2023-08-09 16:00:00 00:45:00
用户2 任务1 2023-08-09 15:20:00 2023-08-09 16:00:00 00:40:00


用户ID 每天总工作时间
用户1 05:30:00
用户2 05:25:00

我想得到的是每个用户忙碌的总时间。 所以结果是:

用户ID 总时间
用户1 04:45:00
用户2 03:45:00

我尝试了一些查询并阅读了有关 CTE 和重叠的内容,但我无法得到正确的结果。

sql overlap db2-400

表中用户 1 任务 3 的总时间错误,应为 01:45:00


with table1 (Userid, Task_id, Start, End, Total_Time) as (
    ('User1', 'Task1', timestamp '2023-08-09 08:00:00', timestamp '2023-08-09 09:00:00', time '01:00:00'),
    ('User1', 'Task2', '2023-08-09 08:15:00', '2023-08-09 10:00:00', '01:45:00'),
    ('User2', 'Task1', '2023-08-09 08:30:00', '2023-08-09 10:00:00', '01:30:00'),
    ('User2', 'Task2', '2023-08-09 09:00:00', '2023-08-09 11:30:00', '02:30:00'),
    ('User1', 'Task3', '2023-08-09 11:15:00', '2023-08-09 13:00:00', '02:45:00'),
    ('User2', 'Task3', '2023-08-09 15:15:00', '2023-08-09 16:00:00', '00:45:00'),
    ('User2', 'Task1', '2023-08-09 15:20:00', '2023-08-09 16:00:00', '00:40:00')
-- is case when two tasks share the exact same period
distinct_periods as (
  select distinct userid, start, end from table1
-- extend periods
periods (n, userid, start, end) as (
  -- start with periods that are not preceded by an overlaping period
  select 1, userid, start, end from distinct_periods t1
  where not exists (
    select * from distinct_periods t2
    where t2.userid = t1.userid
     and (t1.start > t2.start and t1.start <= t2.end 
     or t1.start = t2.start and t1.end > t2.end)
  -- extend with those that overlap
  union all
  select n+1, periods.userid, periods.start, distinct_periods.end
  from periods, distinct_periods
    distinct_periods.userid = periods.userid
    and distinct_periods.start between periods.start and periods.end
    and distinct_periods.end > periods.end
    -- and n < 10
-- add a rank by end date descending so that the widest period has rank 1
with_rank as (
  select periods.*, rank() over(partition by userid, start order by end desc) rank from periods order by userid, start
-- sum the lengths of periods of rank 1
  time '00:00:00' + sum(minutes_between(end, start)) minutes
  as time_busy
from with_rank where rank = 1 group by userid
用户1 03:45:00
用户2 03:45:00


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