子查询中带有orderby的Oracle SQL :: Rownum会抛出缺少的括号

问题描述 投票:1回答:1


update MY_TABLE1 a
    set (my_addr)=
    (select my_addr
        from MY_TABLE1 b
        where b.code1=a.code1
        and b.code2=a.code2
        and b.my_addr is not null
        and rownum = 1
        order by LAST_UPDTD_TMSTMP DESC)
    where a.my_addr is null
    and exists (select 1
        from MY_TABLE1 b
        where b.code1=a.code1
        and b.code2=a.code2
        and b.my_addr is not null)


update MY_TABLE1 a
    set (my_addr)=
    (select my_addr from (select my_addr
        from MY_TABLE1 b
        where b.code1=a.code1
        and b.code2=a.code2
        and b.my_addr is not null
        order by LAST_UPDTD_TMSTMP DESC) where rownum = 1)
    where a.my_addr is null
    and exists (select 1
        from MY_TABLE1 b
        where b.code1=a.code1
        and b.code2=a.code2
        and b.my_addr is not null)


sql oracle subquery


update MY_TABLE1 a
    set my_addr = (select max(my_addr) keep (dense_rank first order by LAST_UPDTD_TMSTMP DESC)
                   from MY_TABLE1 b
                   where b.code1 = a.code1 and
                         b.code2 = a.code2 and
                         b.my_addr is not null
    where a.my_addr is null and
          exists (select 1
                  from MY_TABLE1 b
                  where b.code1 = a.code1 and
                        b.code2 = a.code2 and
                        b.my_addr is not null
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