Pulp Python 线性规划问题似乎忽略了我的约束

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我有一个 Python 脚本(Pulp 库),用于根据客户当前的资金水平(缺口/需求)及其在优先组中的成员身份在多个客户之间分配资金。但是,我没有收到预期的结果。 特别是,我想要:

  1. 所有分配必须是正的,它们的总和应该等于我拥有的总可用资金。
  2. 我想最小化最弱势群体(A 组)的目标资金缺口,然后我希望较弱势群体的目标缺口百分比增加 10%:(对于 B 组 = 资金缺口 A 乘以 1.1,对于组C = 资金缺口 B 乘以 1.1...).



#n Projects, each with its own Requirements (expressed in USD), Gap (expressed in USD) and Allocation (in USD).
Allocation represents the amount of extra resources (in USD) each project is going receiving as part of the exercise.
Initial value for Project(i) Allocation = 0

For each project we define
    Project(i) GAP% =  (Gap - Allocation)/Requirements

Projects are grouped by Priority (Prioritization Group) based on Vulnerability criteria (Group A is higher priority,
followed by B, C, and so on).

We are projecting to receive some additional funding, which we want to distribute among projects.

    Project(i) Allocation += Portion of additional funding allocated to Project(i)

Allocate the entire additional funding:
- Minimize the portion of Additional Funding which is not allocated to Projects   --> ideally reduce to 0
Reduce the maximum GAP% within each priority group
- Minimize the Maximum GAP% within each priority group --> Ideally, if there are sufficient funds, reduce all GAP% to 0

Allocations to individual projects must be: 1) non-negative, and 2) not greater than the Project's initial Gap.
Sum of allocations to individual projects cannot be greater than the total additional funding
Allocations to Projects should not cause Max GAP% of a lower priority group to become lower than Max GAP% of a higher
priority group

This script tries to use Python's PuLP library to implement the optimization model.
Documentation: https://coin-or.github.io/pulp/
PuLP can use a variety of "solvers". The script start with the default one (CBC MILP).
A better approach may be to use a different optimization library that better supports multi-objective:
- pulp-or: Operations Research, provides --> pulp.generate_pareto_front() function
- DEAP: Distributed Evolutionary Algorithms
- PyGMO: Python Parallel Global Multiobjective Optimizer --> non_dominated_front_mo() function
- nsga2: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm 2 --> nsga2.nsga2() function

Python 3.10
PuLP 2.7.0

The Script asks the user to import data from an input Excel file with four columns:
- Project Name
- Group
- Requirements
It also asks for the AMOUNT to be allocated
The result can be output to console and/or exported to an Excel file named "optimization_results_(AMOUNT)_TIMESTAMP"

- The problem is reduced to a single-objective one by working on a linear combination of the two objective functions
- If clients with a GAP but no requirements ar not excluded (parameter-controlled) the model doesn't work correctly
- delta_gap is an externally imposed parameter (forces some distance between max % GAP of two consecutive prioritization

import pulp
from pulp import LpVariable, LpAffineExpression
import pandas as pd
import PySimpleGUI as sg
import datetime
import openpyxl

delta_gap = 1.1

def select_input_file():
    # Select the input file to upload

    # Create a file selection dialog
    layout = [[sg.Text('Select a file:')],
              [sg.Input(), sg.FileBrowse()],
              [sg.Checkbox('Print output to console')],
              [sg.Checkbox('Save output to Excel file', default=True)],
              [sg.Checkbox('Do not allocate funding to clients with 0 Requirements', default=True)],
              [sg.Button('OK'), sg.Button('Cancel')]]

    # Create the window
    window = sg.Window('File Selection Dialog', layout)
    event, values = window.read()

    # Close the window

    # Get the selected file path from the values dictionary
    input_file = values[0]
    print_to_console = values[1]
    print_to_excel = values[2]
    skip_zero_requirements = values[3]

    return input_file, print_to_console, print_to_excel, skip_zero_requirements

def get_additional_funding():
    # Let the user indicate the amount of additional funding to be allocated

    # Create a data entry dialog
    layout = [[sg.Text('Enter the expected funding amount:')],
              [sg.Button('OK'), sg.Button('Cancel')]]

    # Create the window
    window = sg.Window('Expected Funding', layout)
    event, values = window.read()

    # Close the window

    # Get the selected file path from the values dictionary
    input_value = values['input']
    return (input_value)

def print_to_console(output):

    for line in output:
    # # Print the Problem representation in PuLP
    # print('Problem Statements')
    # print(lp_prob)
    # # Print the Optimization Results
    # print("Status:", pulp.LpStatus[lp_prob.status])
    # print("Objective value:", pulp.value(lp_prob.objective))
    # # Print the headings of the output table
    # print("Project Name\tPriority Group\tRequirements\tInitial Gap\tInitial Gap %\tAllocation\tNew Gap\tNew Gap %")
    # total_allocation = 0
    # for i in range(n):
    #     # Calculate the new gap and the new gap percentage
    #     new_gap = gap[i] - allocation[project_names[i]].value()
    #     if requirements[i] == 0:
    #         new_gap_percentage = 0
    #     else:
    #         new_gap_percentage = new_gap / requirements[i]
    #     # Print project data on one line
    #     print(f"{project_names[i]}\t{priority[i]}\t{requirements[i]:>10}\t{gap[i]:>10}\t{gap_percentage[i]:>10.2f}\t{allocation[project_names[i]].value():>10}\t{new_gap:>10}\t{new_gap_percentage:>10.2f}")
    #     total_allocation += allocation[project_names[i]].value()
    # print('total allocation: ' + str(total_allocation))
    # #print('Final Value of the Group Decision Variables')
    # #for group in priority_groups:
    # #        print(max_gap_percentage[group] + " - " + max_gap_percentage[group].value())

def print_to_excel(output):
    # get current date and time
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    # Format the date and time as a string
    timestamp = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')
    # Create the filename with the timestamp
    filename = f'optimization_results_({additional_funding})_{timestamp}.xlsx'
    # Create a list of dictionaries, each containing the data for one project
    project_data = []
    for i in range(n):
        # Calculate the new gap and the new gap percentage
        new_gap = gap[i] - allocation[project_names[i]].value()
        if requirements[i] == 0:
            new_gap_percentage = 0
            new_gap_percentage = new_gap / requirements[i]
        # Create a dictionary for the project data
        data = {
            'Project Name': project_names[i],
            'Priority Group': priority[i],
            'Requirements': requirements[i],
            'Initial Gap': gap[i],
            'Initial Gap %': gap_percentage[i],
            'Allocation': allocation[project_names[i]].value(),
            'New Gap': new_gap,
            'New Gap %': new_gap_percentage

    # Create a DataFrame from the project data
    df = pd.DataFrame(project_data)

    # Create an ExcelWriter object
    writer = pd.ExcelWriter(filename)

    # Write the DataFrame to the Excel file
    df.to_excel(writer, index=False)

    # Get the worksheet object
    worksheet = writer.sheets['Sheet1']

    # Rename the worksheet to "Optimization Results"
    worksheet.title = "Optimization Results"

    # Hide the gridlines
    worksheet.gridlines = False

    # Set the header row height
    worksheet.row_dimensions[1].height = 20

    # Freeze the header row
    worksheet.freeze_panes = 'A2'

    # Make the top row bold
    for cell in worksheet[1]:
        cell.font = openpyxl.styles.Font(bold=True)

    # Set the column widths for all columns
    worksheet.column_dimensions['A'].width = 20 # Project
    worksheet.column_dimensions['B'].width = 20 # Priority
    worksheet.column_dimensions['C'].width = 20 # Requirements USD
    worksheet.column_dimensions['D'].width = 20 # Ininitial Gap USD
    worksheet.column_dimensions['E'].width = 20 # Initial Gap %
    worksheet.column_dimensions['F'].width = 20 # Allocation USD
    worksheet.column_dimensions['G'].width = 20 # New Gap USD
    worksheet.column_dimensions['H'].width = 20 # New Gap %

    # Get the number of rows in the worksheet
    num_rows = worksheet.max_row

    # Iterate over all the rows in the "Initial Gap" column
    for row in range(2, num_rows + 1):
        # Set the number format for the cell in colu,ns C, D, F, and G
        worksheet[f'C{row}'].number_format = '#,##0'
        worksheet[f'D{row}'].number_format = '#,##0'
        worksheet[f'F{row}'].number_format = '#,##0'
        worksheet[f'G{row}'].number_format = '#,##0'
        # Set the number format for the cell in column E and H
        worksheet[f'E{row}'].number_format = '0.00%'
        worksheet[f'H{row}'].number_format = '0.00%'

    # Set the filters on the header row
    worksheet.auto_filter.ref = "A1:H1"

    # Get the workbook object
    workbook = writer.book

    # Create a new worksheet
    worksheet2 = workbook.create_sheet("Execution Log")

    row = 1
    # Iterate over the elements of the output list
    for element in output:
        # Check if the element is a PuLP object
        if isinstance(element, pulp.LpProblem):
            # Get the string representation of the object
            string = str(element)
            # Split the string into lines
            lines = string.split('\n')
            # Iterate over the lines
            for line in lines:
                # Write the line to the worksheet
                cell = openpyxl.cell.Cell(worksheet2, value=line)
            # Write the element to the worksheet as-is
            cell = openpyxl.cell.Cell(worksheet2, value=element)
        # Write the cell to the worksheet, starting at cell A1
        # Increment the row number
        row += 1

    # Save the changes

def generate_execution_log():
    # Create a list to store the output lines
    output = []

    # Add the Problem representation in PuLP to the output
    output.append('Problem Statements')

    # Add the Optimization Results to the output
    output.append("Objective value:")

    # output.append('Final Value of the Group Decision Variables')
    # for group in priority_groups:
    #        output.append(max_gap_percentage[group] + " - " + max_gap_percentage[group].value())

    # Return the output
    return output

# Get full path of Excel input file, and output choices
filepath, output_to_console, output_to_excel, skip_zero_requirements = select_input_file()
# Read the Excel file into a Pandas dataframe
df = pd.read_excel(filepath)
# source = print(filepath[(len(filepath)-15): (len(filepath)-5)])
# Get amount of additional funding
additional_funding = int(get_additional_funding())

# Extract the values from the dataframe and store them in list variables

# Number of projects# Number of projects
n = len(df)
# Names of projects
project_names = df['Project'].tolist()
# Requirements, gap, and allocation for each project
requirements = df['Requirements'].tolist()
gap = df['Gap'].tolist()
allocation = [0] * n
# Priority group for each project
priority = df['Group'].tolist()

# Calculate the gap percentage for each project
gap_percentage = []
for i in range(n):
    if requirements[i] == 0:
        gap_percentage.append((gap[i] - allocation[i]) / requirements[i])


# Create a dictionary and associate a list of project indices to each priority group
unsorted_priority_groups = {}
for k, p in enumerate(priority):
    if p not in unsorted_priority_groups:
        unsorted_priority_groups[p] = []

# Create a sorted version of the dictionary
priority_groups = {j: v for j, v in sorted(unsorted_priority_groups.items(), key=lambda item: item[0])}

# Create a continuous Decision Variable and Affine Expression for the amount of additional funding received by each
# project
allocation = {}
allocation_expr = LpAffineExpression()
for z in range(n):
    if priority[z] == 'X' or (requirements[z] == 0 and skip_zero_requirements):
        # Projects in Priority Group 'X' don't get any allocation
        allocation[project_names[z]] = pulp.LpVariable(f'allocation_{project_names[z]}', lowBound=0, upBound=0)
        # allocation is non negative and cannot be greater than the initial gap
        allocation[project_names[z]] = pulp.LpVariable(f'allocation_{project_names[z]}', lowBound=0, upBound=(gap[z]*0.9))
    allocation_expr += allocation[project_names[z]]

# Create a continuous Decision Variable and Affine Expression for the maximum GAP% within each priority group
#target_group_A = {}
target_group_A_expr = LpAffineExpression()
target_group_A = pulp.LpVariable(f'allocation', lowBound=0 )
target_group_A_expr += target_group_A

#project_gap_perc = {}
#project_gap_perc_expr = LpAffineExpression()
#for z in range(n):
#    if priority[z] == 'X' or (requirements[z] == 0 and skip_zero_requirements):
#        # Projects in Priority Group 'X' don't get any allocation
#        project_gap_perc[project_names[z]] = pulp.LpVariable(f'project_gap_perc_{project_names[z]}', lowBound=0, upBound=0)
#    else:
#        # allocation is non negative and cannot be greater than the initial gap
#        project_gap_perc[project_names[z]] = pulp.LpVariable(f'project_gap_perc{project_names[z]}', lowBound=0, upBound=gap[z]/requirements[z])
#    project_gap_perc_expr += project_gap_perc[project_names[z]]

# Create the linear programming problem object
lp_prob = pulp.LpProblem('Multi-Objective Optimization', pulp.LpMaximize)

# Define the objective function as an LpAffineExpression
obj = LpAffineExpression()
# MAXIMIZE the portion of additional funding allocated to projects
obj += allocation_expr
# MINIMIZE the Max GAP% within each group [actually Maximizing the -(Max GAP%)]
obj += -target_group_A_expr
# MINIMIZE the Max GAP% within each group [actually Maximizing the -(Max GAP%)]
#obj += -project_gap_perc_expr
# Set the Objective Function
lp_prob += obj

# Additional funding allocations to individual projects must be non-negative and not greater than the project's gap
#for v in range(n):
#    lp_prob += allocation[project_names[v]] <= gap[v]
#    lp_prob += allocation[project_names[v]] >= 0

# The sum of allocations to individual projects cannot be greater than the additional funding
lp_prob += pulp.lpSum([allocation[project_names[u]] for u in range(n)]) <= additional_funding

# The Max GAP % within each group >= of the GAP % of all projects in the group (proxy for dynamic max calculation)
for i, (p, group) in enumerate(priority_groups.items()):
    # Get the indices of the projects in the group
    group_indices = priority_groups[p] #selects the indices matching with the rows of the projects belonging to that group
    # Iterate over the indices of the projects in the group
    for index in group:
        # Create an LpAffineExpression for the GAP% of the project
        project_gap_percentage = LpAffineExpression()
        if requirements[index] == 0:
            project_gap_percentage += 0
            project_gap_percentage += (gap[index] - allocation[project_names[index]]) / requirements[index]
            # Add constraint to the model
        lp_prob +=  target_group_A == (project_gap_percentage/pow(delta_gap, i))

#for i, (p, group) in enumerate(priority_groups.items()):
#    group_indices = priority_groups[p]
#    for index in group[1: len(group)]:
#        # Create an LpAffineExpression for the GAP% of the project
#        project_gap_percentage = LpAffineExpression()
#        if requirements[index] == 0:
#            project_gap_percentage += 0
#        else:
#            project_gap_percentage += (gap[index-1] - allocation[project_names[index-1]]) / requirements[index-1]
#            project_gap_percentage += (gap[index] - allocation[project_names[index]]) / requirements[index]
#            # Add constraint to the model
#        lp_prob +=  project_gap_perc[index] == project_gap_perc[index-1]

## The Max GAP % of a lower priority group should not be lower than Max GAP % of higher priority groups
#for i, (p, group) in enumerate(priority_groups.items()):
#    if i == 0:
#        # Skip the first group (group A)
#        #lp_prob+=max_gap_percentage[p]== 0.70
#        continue
#    # Get the parameter for the current group (p) and the immediately preceding group (prev_p)
#    prev_p = list(priority_groups.keys())[i - 1]
#    lp_prob += max_gap_percentage[p] >= max_gap_percentage[prev_p] * delta_gap

# Solve the linear programming problem

execution_log = generate_execution_log()

if output_to_console:

if output_to_excel:

import sys

delta_gap 和 additional_funding 是外部参数。 我什至收到负分配并且约束并不总是满足,例如在 B 组中,C I 达到的资金缺口水平远低于 A 组的水平——有时它们显然随机地变为零。这怎么可能?

我正在尝试增加 5、2.6 和 10 亿的预算。


python constraints linear-programming pulp





import pulp
from itertools import chain
from collections import defaultdict

# DATA   

# below could be from dataframe or whatever....
#           Group : Project : (current funds, requirement)
data =     { 'A' : { 'z19': (50, 100),
                     'x40': (60, 100)},
             'B' : { 'r55': (80, 84),
                     'm21': (100, 200),
                     'm22': (100, 300)},
             'C' : { 'k15': (40, 400),       # fully funded
                     'p88': (10, 20)}}

# some housekeeping to prep data...
groups = list(data.keys())
projects = []
projects_by_group = defaultdict(list)
reqts = {}
funds = {}
for grp in groups:
    for project, (fund, req) in data[grp].items():
        reqts[project] = req
        funds[project] = fund

# make some group multipliers as a convenience...
multipliers = {grp: 1.1**groups.index(grp) for grp in groups}

tot_funds = 200 # 100, 1000 ...

prob = pulp.LpProblem('allocation', pulp.LpMinimize)


gap_cieling_group = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('max_gap', groups)   
add_funds        = pulp.LpVariable.dicts('add_funds', projects, lowBound=0)

# OBJECTIVE:  Minimize the "gap cieling" across all projects by minimizing A's cieling

prob += gap_cieling_group['A']


prob += pulp.lpSum(add_funds[project] for project in projects) <= tot_funds

for project in projects:
    prob += add_funds[project] + funds[project] <= reqts[project]

for grp in groups:
    for project in projects_by_group[grp]:
        prob += gap_cieling_group[grp] >= (reqts[project] - add_funds[project] - funds[project])/reqts[project]

lesser_groups = groups[:]

for grp in lesser_groups:
    prob += gap_cieling_group[grp] == gap_cieling_group['A'] * multipliers[grp]

results = prob.solve()

for grp in groups:
    print(f'{grp} gap_cieling: {gap_cieling_group[grp].value() : 0.2f} (actual: {max((reqts[project] - add_funds[project].value() - funds[project])/reqts[project] for project in projects_by_group[grp]) : 0.2f})')

for project in projects:
    print(f'{project} + {add_funds[project].value() : 0.2f}')


Welcome to the CBC MILP Solver 
Version: 2.10.3 
Build Date: Dec 15 2019 

command line - /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.11/lib/python3.11/site-packages/pulp/solverdir/cbc/osx/64/cbc /var/folders/rt/5gc2md7s7y5bw8ddt74tz5vw0000gp/T/fb4693e8b5194de2bd2fb0219286c2be-pulp.mps timeMode elapsed branch printingOptions all solution /var/folders/rt/5gc2md7s7y5bw8ddt74tz5vw0000gp/T/fb4693e8b5194de2bd2fb0219286c2be-pulp.sol (default strategy 1)
At line 2 NAME          MODEL
At line 3 ROWS
At line 22 COLUMNS
At line 56 RHS
At line 74 BOUNDS
At line 78 ENDATA
Problem MODEL has 17 rows, 10 columns and 32 elements
Coin0008I MODEL read with 0 errors
Option for timeMode changed from cpu to elapsed
Presolve 8 (-9) rows, 8 (-2) columns and 21 (-11) elements
Perturbing problem by 0.001% of 0.028415538 - largest nonzero change 7.9768843e-05 ( 0.28072262%) - largest zero change 4.2399677e-05
0  Obj 0.24862989 Primal inf 108.57674 (7)
6  Obj 0.45370575
Optimal - objective value 0.44973545
After Postsolve, objective 0.44973545, infeasibilities - dual 0 (0), primal 0 (0)
Optimal objective 0.4497354497 - 6 iterations time 0.002, Presolve 0.00
Option for printingOptions changed from normal to all
Total time (CPU seconds):       0.00   (Wallclock seconds):       0.00

A gap_cieling:  0.45 (actual:  0.45)
B gap_cieling:  0.49 (actual:  0.49)
C gap_cieling:  0.54 (actual:  0.54)
z19 +  5.03
x40 +  0.00
r55 +  0.00
m21 +  1.06
m22 +  51.59
k15 +  142.33
p88 +  0.00
[Finished in 93ms]
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