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我有一个包含多个页面的网站。我的网站未托管,可通过xampp localhost查看。我想知道当从远程telnet接收到标记图标下面的图标代码的MuteOn时,如何调用变量将颜色更改为红色,而当从远程telnet接收到MuteOn时,如何将变量更改为绿色。这也是我当前的telnet javascript连接代码。我最终希望我的server.js具有接收命令的功能,然后将其实现到我的网页。


// Include Nodejs' net module.
const Net = require('net');
// The port on which the server is listening.
const port = 50000;
// Use net.createServer() in your code. This is just for illustration purpose.
// Create a new TCP server.
const server = new Net.Server();
// The server listens to a socket for a client to make a connection request.
// Think of a socket as an end point.
server.listen(port, function() {
    console.log(`Server listening for connection requests on socket localhost:${port}`.);
// When a client requests a connection with the server, the server creates a new
// socket dedicated to that client.
server.on('connection', function(socket) {
    console.log('A new connection has been established.');
    // Now that a TCP connection has been established, the server can send data to
    // the client by writing to its socket.
    socket.write('Hello, client.');
    // The server can also receive data from the client by reading from its socket.
    socket.on('data', function(chunk) {
        console.log(`Data received from client: ${chunk.toString()`.});
    // When the client requests to end the TCP connection with the server, the server
    // ends the connection.
    socket.on('end', function() {
        console.log('Closing connection with the client');
    // Don't forget to catch error, for your own sake.
    socket.on('error', function(err) {
        console.log(`Error: ${err}`);


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javascript html css telnet

您需要像express这样的东西来调整和提供HTML。 Telnet使用与HTTP协议不同的TCP协议。

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