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我正在尝试创建一个小项目(我是 C# 的新手),有人可以在其中输入密钥和字符串进行加密。但是我有一个逻辑错误,它没有显示。我已尽力解释每一行。

    char[] alphabet = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".ToCharArray(); // so i dont have to make each thig in the array

    Console.WriteLine("KeY: "); // ask for key
    string key1 = Console.ReadLine(); // store it in a variabe
    int key = Convert.ToInt32(key1); // make it a number

    Console.WriteLine("Code to encrypt: ");

    string code = Console.ReadLine(); // strig that need to be encryot


    string EncryptedString = ""; // blank string to insert encrypted letter into

    int leng = code.Length;

    int i = 0;
    while (i > leng)

        char x = code[i]; // x is after every loop the consequetive letter in the string that needs encrypting


        int y = Array.IndexOf(alphabet, x); // finds the index position that "x" is in the alphabet, e.g (a = 0, b = 1)

        int z = alphabet[y + key]; // z is the letter index of the letter in alphabet but with the key amount over , imagine the key was 2, e.g (a = c)

        string w = Convert.ToString(z); // w is z converted to a string

        EncryptedString.Insert(i - 1, w); // is the the position you want to insert the letter, w is the letter you want inserting





c# caesar-cipher logic-error
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