将 Raspberry Pi 上的 rc522 RFID 阅读器的范围扩展至 0.5m [已关闭]

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我正在尝试寻找一种廉价的方法来在大约 0.3m-0.5m 处进行 RFID 读取。我目前有一个 Raspberry Pi 3 和一个 rc522 RFID 读取器(Python 代码)。



我读到 UHF 阅读器可以让我到达那里,但它们超级昂贵,而且对我的项目来说太过分了(除非我可以便宜地构建自己的 UHF 阅读器)。


arduino raspberry-pi rfid mifare

使用 RC522 获得这样的范围是不可能的,因为 RC522 使用专为短距离设计的 ISO14443A 标准 <10cm while high speeds 106kbps. As you said UHF is a solution but extremely expensive and made for professionnals. The 2 other solutions are - ISO 15693 RFIDs. It's a long range protocol operating at 13.56MHz. This protocol supports long range with the appropriate reader and antenna. However, most of the cheap ISO15693 readers can't read tags more than 10cm and they often need to be connected to a PC. Such systems are used in public libraries and skipasses. - long range 125khz rfid. I don't know much about that but it would be possible to buy or make a long range reader

我强烈建议您在 Google 和 Wikipedia 上搜索 ISO 14443 A、ISO 15693 和 125khz rfid

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