是否可以使用 discord.js 将本地图像附加到 selfbot 消息中?

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我正在自学使用 Node.js、discord.js 和 https://github.com/rigwild/discord-self-bot-console 通过 discord 发送自动消息。这不是通过官方 discord 机器人使用的,而是通过用户帐户使用的。 (我知道这是一个禁令风险,它只是为了个人项目)

我遇到的问题是尝试上传本地图片。虽然我可以不和谐地显示文本和附加图像 url,但每次我尝试上传本地文件时,都会发送文本,但永远不会附加文件。我也不想把它作为一个嵌入,只是作为一个附件。

(我有 discord.js 14.8.0 和 node-fetch ^2.6.6)


const fetch = require('node-fetch')
const fs = require('fs');

// Discord self-bot API here, found at https://gist.github.com/rigwild/6063278cbc9267e7691c084c67176114

(async () => {

// Function to send a message with a local file
    async function sendMessageWithFile(channelOrThreadId, message, filePath) {
        const fileData = await fs.promises.readFile(filePath); // Read file data
        const sentMessage = await api.sendMessage(channelOrThreadId, '', false, body = {
            content: message,
            files: [
                    attachment: fileData,
                    name: 'chosen.png' // Replace with the name of the file you want to send
        return sentMessage;

// Usage example
    const channelId = ''; // Replace with the ID of the channel you want to send the message to
    const filePath = ''; // Replace with the path to the file you want to send
    sendMessageWithFile(channelId, 'Here is a local file:', filePath)
        .then(sentMessage => {
            console.log('Message sent:', sentMessage);
        .catch(error => {
            console.error('Error sending message:', error);
javascript node.js discord discord.js bots
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