C++ 中初始化为常量的变量

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在下面的代码中,变量gender被初始化为常量,但编译器给出错误,指出const char数据类型到char数据类型的转换无效。

using namespace std;
int main()
    //initializing the variable
    int a;
    //declaring the variable
    a = 13;
    //data type: character, keyword: char, max size: 8 bits (1 byte)
    char gender;
    cout<<"This is character data type: "<<gender<<endl;
    //data type: integer, keyword: int, max size: 16 bits (2 bytes), range: -2^15-2^15 (-32768-32767)
    int age = 19;
    cout<<"This is int data type:"<<age<<endl;
    //data type: integer, keyword: short int, max size: 16 bits (2 bytes), range: -2^15-2^15 (-32768-32767)
    short int no = 12;
    cout<<"This is short int data type: "<<no<<endl;
    //data type: integer, keyword: long int, max size: 32 bits (4 bytes), range: -2^31-2^31 (-2147483648-2147483647)
    long int larger = 21233487;
    cout<<"This is long int data type: "<<larger<<endl;
    //data type: floating point, keyword: float, max size: 32 bits (4 bytes)
    float ab = 9.7;
    cout<<"This is a floating point data type decimal: "<<ab<<endl;
    //data type: floating point, keyword: double, max size: 64 bits (8 byte)
    double ac = 1232434.7666;
    cout<<"This is a double data type decimal:"<<ac<<endl;
    //data type: floating point, keyword: long double, max size: 80 bits (10 byte)
    long double ad = 1233284.79872;
    cout<<"This is a long double data type decimal:"<<ad<<endl;
    return 0;


C:\Users\Abdullah\Desktop\C++\Fundamentals_变量和数据 Types.cpp [错误]从“const char*”到“char”的转换无效 [-f允许]


c++ string variables console

员工类{ 私人的: 常量 int empID; 民众: 员工(int id):empID(id){




您将性别声明为字符数据类型。 'char'只能存储1个字符。要解决此问题,请将声明修改为此。

char* gender;
gender = "Male";


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