asm x86 32 位中的回文函数

问题描述 投票:0回答:1
    section .data
    msg1 db 'Introduce lenght !',0xA,0xD
    len1 equ $-msg1
    nl db 0xA,0xD
    pal db 'Is palindrome',0xA,0xD
    lenpal equ $-pal
    nonpal db 'Is not palindrome ',0xA,0xD
    lennonpal equ $-nonpal
    poz db 0
section .bss
    index1 resb 1
    index2 resb 1
    lenght resb 1
    array times 10 resb 1
    sep resb 1
section .text
    global _start

    mov eax,4
    mov ebx,1
    mov ecx,msg1
    mov edx,len1
    int 0x80

    mov eax,3
    mov ebx,0
    mov ecx,lenght
    mov edx,1
    int 0x80

    mov cl,[lenght]
    sub cl,'0'
    mov [lenght],cl

    mov [index2], byte 0
    mov al,[index2]
    add al,[lenght]
    mov [index2],al

    mov eax,3
    mov ebx,0
    mov ecx,sep
    mov edx,1
    int 0x80

    mov al,[poz]
    inc al
    mov [poz],al

    mov eax,3
    mov ebx,0
    mov ecx,array
    add ecx,[poz]
    mov edx,1
    int 0x80

    mov cl,[lenght]
    dec cl
    mov [lenght],cl
    cmp byte [lenght],0
    jne read

    mov eax,4
    mov ebx,1
    mov ecx,array
    mov edx,[lenght]
    int 0x80

    mov [index1], byte 0
    mov bl,[index1]
    inc bl
    mov [index1],bl    
    ; mov eax, array

    mov esi ,array
    mov ebx,[index1]
    add esi,ebx

    mov bl,[esi]

    mov edi ,array
    mov ebx,[index2]
    add edi,ebx

    mov cl,[edi]

    cmp bl,cl
    jne not_a_pal

    mov bh,[index1]
    inc bh
    mov [index1],bh
    mov ch,[index2]
    dec ch
    mov [index2],ch

    mov al,[index1]
    cmp al,[index2]
    jng verify_pal


    mov eax,4
    mov ebx,1
    mov ecx,pal
    mov edx,lenpal
    int 0x80
    jmp exit

    mov eax,4
    mov ebx,1
    mov ecx,nonpal
    mov edx,lennonpal
    int 0x80
    jmp exit
    mov eax,1
    mov ebx,0
    int 0x80


assembly x86 segmentation-fault nasm palindrome


    jmp exit


mov bl,[esi]

mov edi ,array
mov ebx,[index2]

在回文检查器中,您将第一个字节加载到 BL 寄存器中,但在销毁 BL 后立即将 index2 变量加载到 EBX 寄存器中。请记住,BL 不是一个独立的寄存器,而是 32 位寄存器 EBX 的最低 8 位的名称。

此代码总是以 seg 错误结束。

发生分段错误是因为您使用 resb 指令将 pozlenghtindex1index2 变量定义为

。通常这可能没问题,但稍后在程序中您将在双字大小的操作中使用这些字节大小的变量!由于您的汇编器 (NASM) 不会为您检查大小,因此它会很乐意从字节大小的变量中读取双字(只需添加内存中恰好跟随的 3 个字节)。在这种情况下,像 FASM 这样与 NASM 非常接近的汇编器会警告您。

mov ecx,array
add ecx,[poz]
mov ecx,array
mov edx,[lenght]
mov esi ,array
mov ebx,[index1]
add esi,ebx
mov bl,[esi]
mov edi ,array
mov ebx,[index2]
add edi,ebx
mov cl,[edi]


movzx edx, byte [length]
movzx ebx, byte [index1]
movzx ebx, byte [index2]


section .data poz dd 0 ... section .bss index1 resd 1 index2 resd 1 length resb 1 array times 10 resb 1 sep resb 1

您使用的指令比所需的多得多,特别是在以下四行中,最终归结为将数字 1 放入

index1 变量中:

mov [index1], byte 0 mov bl,[index1] inc bl mov [index1],bl


mov cl,[lenght] sub byte [length], '0' sub cl,'0' mov [lenght],cl mov [index2], byte 0 movzx eax, byte [length] mov al,[index2] mov [index2], eax add al,[lenght] mov [index2],al mov al,[poz] inc dword [poz] inc al mov [poz],al mov cl,[lenght] dec byte [length] dec cl jnz read mov [lenght],cl cmp byte [lenght],0 jne read mov [index1], byte 0 mov dword [index1], 1 mov bl,[index1] inc bl mov [index1],bl mov esi ,array mov esi, [index1] mov ebx,[index1] mov bl, [array + esi] add esi,ebx mov bl,[esi] mov edi ,array mov edi, [index2] mov ebx,[index2] mov cl, [array + edi] add edi,ebx mov cl,[edi] mov bh,[index1] inc esi inc bh mov [index1], esi mov [index1],bh mov ch,[index2] dec edi dec ch mov [index2], edi mov [index2],ch mov al,[index1] cmp esi, edi cmp al,[index2] jb verify_pal jng verify_pal Nice and clean does it. - > mov eax,3 > mov ebx,0 > mov ecx,sep > mov edx,1 > int 0x80 I suppose that *sep* stands for 'separator', but I don't see any use of this in the rest of your program. For clarity, it is always best to not keep such fragments lying around.
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