Lock free single real-time writer and one/multiple non-real-time reader

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在论文“实时和非实时应用程序之间的非阻塞同步”中,清单 2 中收听了以下伪代码。它建议为单个实时编写器和一个或多个非阻塞实现-实时阅读器。

volatile counter : pointer to shared memory area of an integer
data_size : unsigned
pt_base : pointer to shared memory area of data_size bytes

initialization (d_size: unsigned)
    counter := 0
    data_size := d_size
    pt_base := allocate data_size bytes in the shared memory

//Real-time operation
write (new_value: pointer)
    local_counter := *counter
    *counter := local_counter + 1
    copy data_size bytes from *new_value
    *counter := local_counter + 2

//Non-real-time operation
read (pt_data: pointer)
        counter_begin := *counter
        copy data_size bytes from *pt_base to *pt_data *data_size
        counter_end := *counter
        if (counter_end == counter_begin and counter_begin is even)

如何使用 C11 _Atomic、gcc/clang __atomic 或仅使用易失性和内存屏障(如果可能的话)在 C 中正确实现?

他对另一个问题的回答Peter Cordes暗示volatile和内存屏障可能就足够了,或者至少我是这样理解的。

c multithreading algorithm memory-barriers
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