[Google Maps api with React

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reactjs google-maps-api-3


您可以在Google API文档here中找到一个示例

  // Add a marker to the map
  const marker = new google.maps.Marker({
    // position of the marker on map
    position: { lat: 53.3, lng: -6.3 }, 
    // the map object you want the marker on
    map: map, 

  // add a listener to the marker which listens for a 'click' 
  // and runs the callback when it 'hears' one
  marker.addListener('click', () => {
    // set the content of the info window. This can be formatted using HTML
    infowindow.setContent('I have been clicked!');
    // tells the infowindow on which map to open and which marker to anchor to
    infowindow.open(map, marker);
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