我无法在 NEXTJS 14 的 GET 方法中从会话中获取 ID!请帮我找出错误

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我创建了一个 api 路由来处理当前登录用户创建的 getAllAddresses。但我只得到一个空数组。我想象 req 无法获取当前登录用户的 ID。我检查了 nextauth 配置并我得到了 ID。为了更加确定,我在 nextauth 上 console.log 会话配置并获取 ID,如下所示:

🚀 ~ session ~ session: { user: { name: 'Nhung Nguyen', email: '[email protected]', image: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocLg8TfKh72d8RDiUO9xIxR7CTgR4e6hU8WpwTtlXHEDEIg=s96-c', id: '65ff0b9c80353678f60e337a' }, expires: '2024-04-27T13:26:30.889Z' }
但是在api路由句柄getAllAddresses上,我收到的会话只有姓名、电子邮件、图像,没有ID。这是我在 api 路由句柄 getAllAddresses 处的日志:

🚀 ~ GET ~ session: { user: { name: 'Nhung Nguyen', email: '[email protected]', image: 'https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a/ACg8ocLg8TfKh72d8RDiUO9xIxR7CTgR4e6hU8WpwTtlXHEDEIg=s96-c' } }

这是我在 api/auth/[...nextauth]/route.js 中的代码

const handler = NextAuth({ providers: [ CredentialsProvider({ name: 'credentials', credentials: {}, async authorize(credentials, req) { await connect() const user = await User.findOne({ email: credentials.email }) if (!user) { throw new Error('Đăng nhập không hợp lệ!') } const comparePassword = await bcrypt.compare(credentials.password, user.password) if (!comparePassword) { throw new Error('Đăng nhập không hợp lệ!') } return user } }), GoogleProvider({ clientId: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID, clientSecret: process.env.GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET }), ], session: { strategy: 'jwt' }, pages: { signIn: '/login' }, secret: process.env.NEXTAUTH_SECRET, callbacks: { async signIn({ profile, account }) { if (account.provider === 'google') { try { await connect() let user = await User.findOne({ email: profile.email }) if (!user) { user = await User.create({ email: profile.email, name: profile.name, avatar: profile.image, wishlist: [], cart: [], orders: [], products: [] }) } return user } catch (error) { console.log(error) } } return true }, async jwt({ token, user }) { user && (token.user = user) return token }, async session({ session }) { const sessionUser = await User.findOne({ email: session.user.email }) // console.log('🚀 ~ session ~ sessionUser:', sessionUser) session.user.id = sessionUser._id.toString() console.log('🚀 ~ session ~ session.user.id:', session.user.id) console.log('🚀 ~ session ~ session:', session) return session } } }) export { handler as GET, handler as POST }

这是我在 api 路由句柄 getAllAddresses 的代码

export async function GET(req) { try { const session = await getServerSession({ req }) console.log('🚀 ~ GET ~ session:', session) if (!session) { return NextResponse.json({ error: 'Unauthorized' }, { status: 401 }) } const getAllAddresses = await Address.find({ userID: session.user.id }) if (getAllAddresses) { return NextResponse.json({ success: true, data: getAllAddresses, }); } else { return NextResponse.json({ success: false, message: "failed to get addresses ! Please try again", }); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error fetching user addresses:', error) return NextResponse.json({ error: 'Internal Server Error' }, { status: 500 }) } }
session next.js

callbacks: { async session({ session, token, user }) { // Send properties to the client, like an access_token and user id from a provider. session.accessToken = token.accessToken session.user.id = token.id return session } }

并将 id 从 use 或 token 对象添加到会话中。 参考:


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