即使我使用 BeforeEach() 和 AfterEach(),Cypress JavaScript 也只能推送最后一项

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我目前正在学习 Cypress,我想对从不同网站获得的数组数据进行排序,但当我尝试使用任何 cy.txt 时,我未能将数组推送到我的数组列表。函数,每个函数之前和之后都工作正常。

describe('Compare iPhone 15 Pro between eBay and Apple Store', () => {
    let productDetails = [];

    beforeEach(() => {
        // Load the existing productDetails array from localStorage if it exists
        const storedProductDetails = localStorage.getItem('productDetails');
        if (storedProductDetails) {
            productDetails = JSON.parse(storedProductDetails);

    afterEach(() => {
        // Store the productDetails array back into localStorage
        localStorage.setItem('productDetails', JSON.stringify(productDetails));

    it('Visit eBay and gets the product details', () => {
        // Visit eBay and get product details
        // ...
        productDetails.push({ website: 'eBay', product: 'iPhone 15 Pro 256GB', price: itemPrice, link: linkValue });

    it('Visit Apple store and gets the product details', () => {
        // Visit Apple store and get product details
        // ...
        productDetails.push({ website: 'Apple Store', product: 'iPhone 15 Pro 256GB', price: itemPrice, link: linkValue });

    it('Print the product details array', () => {
        // Log the product details array
        for (let i = 0; i < productDetails.length; i++) {
            cy.log('Product Details: ' + JSON.stringify(productDetails[i]));

当我添加我的 cy.然后我无法将数据推入数组,我只能将最后一个项目推入数组。下面是我的代码:

describe('Compare iPhone 15 Pro between eBay and Apple Store', () => {
    let productDetails = [];

    beforeEach(() => {
        // Load the existing productDetails array from localStorage if it exists
        const storedProductDetails = localStorage.getItem('productDetails');
        if (storedProductDetails) {
            productDetails = JSON.parse(storedProductDetails);

    afterEach(() => {
        // Store the productDetails array back into localStorage
        localStorage.setItem('productDetails', JSON.stringify(productDetails));

    it('Visit eBay and gets the product details', () => {
        // Visit eBay and get product details
        // ...
        // Search for iPhone 15 Pro 256GB
        cy.get('input.gh-tb[name="_nkw"]').type('iphone 15 pro 256gb new'); // class & attribute
        cy.get('.srp-results.srp-list.clearfix').within(() => {
        cy.get('li#item405343ae00 span.s-item__price span.ITALIC').invoke('text').then((price) => {
            const itemPrice = price;
            cy.log('Price: ', itemPrice);

            cy.url().then(url => {
                cy.log('Current URL:', url);
                const linkValue = url;
                productDetails.push({ website: 'eBay', product: 'iPhone 15 Pro 256GB', price: itemPrice, link: linkValue });
                localStorage.setItem('productDetails', JSON.stringify(productDetails));
                cy.log('Product Details eBay: ', productDetails);
        //productDetails.push({ website: 'eBay', product: 'iPhone 15 Pro 256GB', price: 'itemPrice', link: 'linkValue' });

    it('Visit Apple store and gets the product details', () => {
        // Visit Apple store and get product details
        // ...

        cy.get('.globalnav-searchfield-input').type('iphone 15 pro 256gb new').type('{enter}');
        cy.get('[data-analytics-title="iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max - Apple (MY)"]').click();

        cy.title().should('eq','iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max - Apple (MY)');


        cy.contains(/Buy iPhone 15 Pro/i);

        cy.get('.rc-dimension-selector-group.form-selector-group .rc-dimension-selector-row.form-selector').first().click();

        cy.get('.colornav-items').within(() => {


        cy.contains(/iPhone 15 Pro/i);
        cy.get('.rc-prices-fullprice[data-autom="full-price"]').first().invoke('text').then((price) => {
            const itemPrice = price;
            cy.log('Price: ', itemPrice);

            cy.url().then(url => {
                cy.log('Current URL:', url);
                const linkValue = url;
                productDetails.push({website: 'Apple Store', product: 'iPhone 15 Pro 256GB', price: itemPrice, link: linkValue});
                localStorage.setItem('productDetails', JSON.stringify(productDetails));
                cy.log('Product Details: ', productDetails);
        //productDetails.push({ website: 'Apple Store', product: 'iPhone 15 Pro 256GB', price: 'itemPrice', link: 'linkValue' });

    it('Print the product details array', () => {
        // Log the product details array
        for (let i = 0; i < productDetails.length; i++) {
            cy.log('Product Details: ' + JSON.stringify(productDetails[i]));

Log from Cypress


javascript cypress


这使得 Cypress 重置测试窗口,并且您将丢失之前分配的所有变量。

这并不是真正有效的测试,只是一些屏幕抓取尝试。 Cypress 告诉您该框架不适用于屏幕抓取。

我建议您尝试一些 Cypress 示例

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