在 MIPS 中使用 addu 检测溢出

问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在努力在 MIPS 中实现检测溢出并使用 addu 抛出错误。




    li  $s1, 0          #### reset $s1
    add $s1, $zero, $t3     #### load integer value into $s1
    beqz    $s1, done       # If $s1 equals zero, branch to done
    li  $s2, 0          #### initialize $s2 for temporary balance
    addu    $s2, $s0, $t6       #### set temporary balance to initial balance
    addu    $s2, $s0, $s1       # add transaction amount to the temporary Balance

    sltiu   $t6, $s0, 0     #### if $t6 == 1 then number is negative
    sltiu   $t7, $s1, 0     #### if $t7 == 1 then number is negative
    bne $t6, $t7, LoopC     #### if opposite signs then no overflow
    sltiu   $t8, $s2, 0     #### if $t8 == 1 then the number is negative
    and $t9, $t6, $t7       #### if $t9 == 1 then $t6 and $t7 are both negative
    bne     $t9, $t8, over      #### if $t9 and $t8 are not both negative, then overflow has occured
    sgtu    $t6, $s0, $zero     #### if $t6 == 1 then number is positive
    sgtu    $t7, $s0, $zero     #### if $t7 == 1 then number is positive
    sgtu    $t8, $s0, $zero     #### if $t8 == 1 then number is positive
    and $t9, $t6, $t7       #### if $t9 == 1 then $t6 and $t7 are both positive
    bne $t9, $t8, over      #### if $t8 and $t9 are not equal then overflow has occured

    addu    $s0, $s0, $s1       #### add transaction to balance
    li  $v0, 4          # system call code for print_string
    la  $a0, tabs       # load address of tabs into $a0
    syscall             # used to space over to the Balance column
    li  $v0, 1          # system call code for print_integer
    move    $a0, $s0        # move Bank Balance value to $a0 
    syscall             # print Bank Balance
    b   loop            # branch to loop
    li  $v0, 4          #### system call code for print_string
    la  $a0, oMsg       #### load address of msg. into $a0
    syscall             #### print the string
    li  $s2, 0          #### reset $s2
    li  $v0, 1          #### system call code for print_integer
    move    $a0, $s0        #### move Bank Balance value to $a0 
    syscall             #### print Bank Balance
    b   loop            # branch to loop
overflow mips addition mars-simulator integer-arithmetic


    addu    $s2, $s0, $t6       #### set temporary balance to initial balance
    addu    $s2, $s0, $s1       # add transaction amount to the temporary Balance



您使用无符号比较来比较 0 的立即数 - 这将始终产生 false,因为根据无符号数的定义,没有无符号数小于零。换句话说,负数不是无符号数可能存在的属性。

如果您想知道数字是否为负数,请使用 signed 比较。

仅供参考,您还可以使用移位来提取或复制符号位,因此通过使用算术移位 31,得到 -1 或 0,并使用逻辑移位 32 得到 1 或 0。

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