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java events mouselistener

尚不清楚您将文本插入标记(光标)放置在的确切位置。下面的示例方法假定光标位于Swing文本组件(如JTextFieldJTextAreaJEditPane等中显示的文本中包含的单词上,在< [拥有应用程序项目。 javax.swing.text.Utilities类可以获取所需的数据。

public static String getWordAtCaret(JTextComponent tc) { String res = null; try { int caretPosition = tc.getCaretPosition(); int startIndex = Utilities.getWordStart(tc, caretPosition); int endIndex = Utilities.getWordEnd(tc, caretPosition); res = tc.getText(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { // Purposely Ignore so as to return null. // Do what you want with the exception if you like. } return res; } public static String getNextWordFromCaret(JTextComponent tc) { String res = null; try { int caretPosition = Utilities.getNextWord(tc, tc.getCaretPosition()); int startIndex = Utilities.getWordStart(tc, caretPosition); int endIndex = Utilities.getWordEnd(tc, caretPosition); res = tc.getText(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { // Purposely Ignore so as to return null. // Do what you want with the exception if you like. } return res; } public static String getPreviousWordFromCaret(JTextComponent tc) { String res = null; try { int caretPosition = Utilities.getPreviousWord(tc, tc.getCaretPosition()) - 2; int startIndex = Utilities.getWordStart(tc, caretPosition); int endIndex = Utilities.getWordEnd(tc, caretPosition); res = tc.getText(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { // Purposely Ignore so as to return null. // Do what you want with the exception if you like. } return res; }


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