
问题描述 投票:0回答:1


class Dog {
    public dogName: string = ""
    public init(params: DogParams) { }
class Cat {
    public catName: string = ""
    public init(params: CatParams) { }
class DogParams { public dogValues: number = 0 }
class CatParams { public catValue: number = 0}

enum Kind {
    DogKind = 'DogKind',
    CatKind = 'CatKind',

const kindMap = {
    [Kind.DogKind]: Dog,
    [Kind.CatKind]: Cat,
type KindMap = typeof kindMap;

const paramsMap = {
    [Kind.DogKind]: DogParams,
    [Kind.CatKind]: CatParams,
type ParamsMap = typeof paramsMap;

function getAnimalClasses<K extends Kind>(key: K, params: ParamsMap[K]): [KindMap[K], ParamsMap[K]] {
    const klass = kindMap[key];
    return [klass, params];

// Cool: Typescript knows that dogStuff is of type [typeof Dog, typeof DogParams]
const dogStuff = getAnimalClasses(Kind.DogKind, DogParams);

// Now imagine I want to instantiate and init my class in a type-safe way:
function getAnimalInstance<K extends Kind>(key: K, params: InstanceType<ParamsMap[K]>): InstanceType<KindMap[K]> {
    const animalKlass = kindMap[key];
    const paramsKlass = paramsMap[key];

    // animalInstance : Dog | Cat
    const animalInstance = new animalKlass() as InstanceType<KindMap[K]>;
    // paramsInstance: DogParams | CatParams
    const paramsInstance = new paramsKlass() as InstanceType<ParamsMap[K]>;

    // By this line, Typescript just knows that animalInstance has a method called init that takes `DogParams & CatParams`. That makes sense to me, but it's not what I want.
    // QUESTION: The following gives an error. Is there a type-safe way that I can make this method call and ensure that my maps and my `init` method signatures are 
    // are consistent throughout my app? Do I need more generic parameters of this function?

    return animalInstance;

// This works too: It knows that I have to pass in CatParams if I am passing in CatKind
// It also knows that `cat` is an instance of the `Cat` class.
const cat = getAnimalInstance(Kind.CatKind, new CatParams());

Playground Link


typescript generics types factory



public init<P extends DogParams>(params: P) { }
public init<C extends CatParams>(params: C) { }

应该不会有太大变化,但现在TypeScript甚至不允许您像这样:init()(类型为animalInstance)对Dog | Cat进行任何调用:

function f(): Dog | Cat {
    return new Dog();
const dc: Dog | Cat = f();
dc.init(new DogParams());
// ^ here is the error


This expression is not callable.   
Each member of the union type '(<P extends DogParams>(params: P) => void) | (<C extends CatParams>(params: C) => void)' has signatures, 
but none of those signatures are compatible with each other.(2349)


public init(params: string) { } // class Dog
public init(params: number) { } // class Cat


const dc: Dog | Cat = f();

[dc.init的签名为init(params: never): void,您也不能调用它。


const dc: Dog | Cat = f();
if (dc instanceof Dog) {
} else {
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