VSTO 插件中的裁剪效果,如裁剪填充

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我使用此代码在 VSTO 插件中获得裁剪效果,例如裁剪填充,但设置cropleft或bottom会给出值超出范围的异常,这是我的代码 尝试 { // 获取活动演示文稿和活动窗口 PowerPoint.Presentation activePresentation = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActivePresentation; PowerPoint.DocumentWindow activeWindow = Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWindow;

   if (activePresentation != null && activeWindow != null)
       // Get the selection in the active window
       PowerPoint.Selection selection = activeWindow.Selection;

       if (selection != null)

           // Check if the selection is a shape
           if (selection.Type == PowerPoint.PpSelectionType.ppSelectionShapes)
               // Get the first selected shape
               PowerPoint.Shape selectedShape = selection.ShapeRange[1];

               // Check if the selected shape is a picture placeholder

               // Set the picture format properties
                             // Insert the image into the selected shape

               float currentRotation = selectedShape.Rotation;
               float cropLeft = selectedShape.PictureFormat.CropLeft;
               float cropRight = selectedShape.PictureFormat.CropRight;

               // Adjust the Crop properties for CropToFill effect
     selectedShape.PictureFormat.CropLeft = cropLeft;
            //   selectedShape.LockAspectRatio = MsoTriState.msoTrue;

               PowerPoint.Slide activeSlide = (PowerPoint.Slide)Globals.ThisAddIn.Application.ActiveWindow.View.Slide;

               // Specify the position and size for the image
               float left = 200f;  // adjust the values according to your needs
               float top = 0;
               float width = 400f;
               float height = activeSlide.Master.Height;

               // Add a picture to the slide
               // replace with the actual path to your image file
               activeSlide.Shapes.AddPicture(imageUrl, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoFalse, Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTriState.msoCTrue,
                                             left, top, width, height);

           if (downloadUrl != null)
               unSplash unSplash = new unSplash();


我使用此代码在 VSTO 插件中获得裁剪效果,例如裁剪填充,但设置cropleft或bottom会给出值超出范围的异常,这是我的代码

c# powerpoint vsto shapes crop

属性返回或设置从指定图片或 OLE 对象左侧裁剪的点数。请注意,裁剪是相对于图片的原始大小计算的。例如,如果您插入一张原本宽度为 100 磅的图片,将其重新缩放为 200 磅宽,然后将
属性设置为 50,则 100 磅(而不是 50)将被裁剪掉左侧你的照片。

以下 VBA 示例代码将从所选形状的左侧裁剪用户指定的百分比,无论形状是否已缩放。为了使示例正常工作,所选形状必须是图片或 OLE 对象。

percentToCrop = InputBox("What percentage do you " & _
    "want to crop off the bottom of this picture?")

Set shapeToCrop = ActiveWindow.Selection.ShapeRange(1)

With shapeToCrop.Duplicate
    .ScaleHeight 1, True
    origHeight = .Height
End With

cropPoints = origHeight * percentToCrop / 100

shapeToCrop.PictureFormat.CropLeft = cropPoints
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