
问题描述 投票:0回答:1

我正在尝试创建一个表示颜色混合比例的值网格。我在图中提供了一个示例。我面临的挑战是,对于高值,对角线下方和上方的颜色应该不同。在示例中,我使用条件格式为单元格着色,但我需要一种方法来实现此目的而不显示数字。我相信使用 Python 可以做到这一点。我遇到过一些示例(例如Python - 根据值绘制彩色网格中的示例),但没有一个具体解决由对角线分隔不同颜色的问题。

The image was created in google sheets to better explain the problem. You see a mixture of red and green below the diagonal and red and blue above the diagonal


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# Define grid size
n = 20

# Create a grid with zeros
grid = np.zeros((n, n, 3))

# Fill lower triangle with mixtures of red and green
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(i):
        grid[i, j] = [1, np.random.rand(), 0]

# Fill upper triangle with mixtures of red and blue
for i in range(n):
    for j in range(i + 1, n):
        grid[i, j] = [1, 0, np.random.rand()]

# Display the grid
plt.axis('off')  # Turn off axis labels
python colors grid



import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle
from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
from matplotlib.colors import rgb2hex
from generativepy.color import Color
from PIL import ImageColor


### percentile bounds defining upper boundaries of color classes
percentile_bounds = [25, 50, 75, 100]

### function to convert hex color to rgb to Color object (generativepy package)
def hex_to_Color(hexcode):
    rgb = ImageColor.getcolor(hexcode, 'RGB')
    rgb = [v/256 for v in rgb]
    rgb = Color(*rgb)
    return rgb

### get corner colors from https://www.joshuastevens.net/cartography/make-a-bivariate-choropleth-map/
c00 = hex_to_Color('#e8e8e8')
c10 = hex_to_Color('#be64ac')
c01 = hex_to_Color('#5ac8c8')
c11 = hex_to_Color('#3b4994')

### now create square grid of colors, using color interpolation from generativepy package
num_grps = len(percentile_bounds)
c00_to_c10 = []
c01_to_c11 = []
colorlist = []
for i in range(num_grps):
    c00_to_c10.append(c00.lerp(c10, 1/(num_grps-1) * i))
    c01_to_c11.append(c01.lerp(c11, 1/(num_grps-1) * i))
for i in range(num_grps):
    for j in range(num_grps):
        colorlist.append(c00_to_c10[i].lerp(c01_to_c11[i], 1/(num_grps-1) * j))
### convert back to hex color
colorlist = [rgb2hex([c.r, c.g, c.b]) for c in colorlist]

### function to get bivariate color given two percentiles
def get_bivariate_choropleth_color(p1, p2):
    if p1>=0 and p2>=0:
        count = 0
        stop = False
        for percentile_bound_p1 in percentile_bounds:
            for percentile_bound_p2 in percentile_bounds:
                if (not stop) and (p1 <= percentile_bound_p1):
                    if (not stop) and (p2 <= percentile_bound_p2):
                        color = colorlist[count]
                        stop = True
                count += 1
        color = [0.8,0.8,0.8,1]
    return color

### plot map based on bivariate choropleth
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(8,10))

ax.set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box')
count = 0
xticks = [0]
yticks = [0]
for i,percentile_bound_p1 in enumerate(percentile_bounds):
    for j,percentile_bound_p2 in enumerate(percentile_bounds):
        percentileboxes = [Rectangle((i,j), 1, 1)]
        pc = PatchCollection(percentileboxes, facecolor=colorlist[count], alpha=alpha)
        count += 1
        if i == 0:

_=ax.set_xticks(list(range(len(percentile_bounds)+1)), xticks)
_=ax.set_xlabel('Pollution burden percentile')
_=ax.set_yticks(list(range(len(percentile_bounds)+1)), yticks)
_=ax.set_ylabel('Population characteristics percentile')


# to save the figure directly
# plt.savefig(f'/home/ed2020/Desktop/Arquivos/Qgis/exemplo/bivariate.jpg', dpi=dpi, bbox_inches='tight')
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