
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



当我单击主菜单上的“播放”时,是否应更改为播放屏幕并等待再次单击。 图形用户界面代码。我已经包含了使程序运行的所有代码。

下面的代码用于程序的 GUI。它加载带有三 (3) 个按钮的主菜单。所有按钮都按其应有的方式工作,但是,当我单击播放按钮时,它会按应有的方式将屏幕更改为播放屏幕,但它还会单击播放屏幕上的纸张按钮。我没有包含图像文件或字体文件。

# Game Imports. 
import pygame, sys, code_classes, button, time

# Initializes pygame.

# Variables that set windows Width and Height

fps = 30 
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

# Sets the fonts for pygame. 
title_font = pygame.font.Font('fonts/campus.ttf', 25)
title_bf = pygame.font.Font('fonts/college.ttf', 20)
game_bf = pygame.font.Font('fonts/collegeb.ttf', 30)
socre_font = pygame.font.Font('fonts/CollegiateFLF.ttf', 20)

# Loads the images for background and buttons.
icon = pygame.image.load('photo/icon.png')
play = pygame.image.load('photo/play_button.png')
play_again = pygame.image.load('photo/play_again.png')
main_menu = pygame.image.load('photo/main_menu.png')
directions = pygame.image.load('photo/directions_button.png')
exit_img = pygame.image.load('photo/exit_button.png')
background = pygame.image.load('photo/enterprise.png')
rock = pygame.image.load('photo/rock.jpg')
paper = pygame.image.load('photo/paper.jpg')
scissors = pygame.image.load('photo/scissors.png')
lizard = pygame.image.load('photo/lizard.jpg')
spock = pygame.image.load('photo/spock.jpg')

# Sets the colors for pygame. 
white = (255, 255, 255)
black = (0, 0, 0)
gray = (113, 121, 126)
green = (170, 255, 0)

# Creates Buttons.
play_button = button.Button(375, 175, play, .35)
info_button = button.Button(375, 250, directions, .35)
exit_button = button.Button(375, 325, exit_img, .35)
exit_button1 = button.Button(126, 505, exit_img, .30)
play_again_button = button.Button(251, 505, play_again, .30)
main_menu_button = button.Button(1, 505, main_menu, .30)
rock_button = button.Button(150, 100, rock, .15)
paper_button = button.Button(275, 100, paper, .35)
scissors_button = button.Button(525, 100, scissors, .68)
lizard_button = button.Button(185, 250, lizard, .20)
spock_button = button.Button(450, 250, spock, .17)

# Creates the window and sets the window title. 
window = pygame.display.set_mode((WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT))
pygame.display.set_caption("Main Menu")

# game window control. 
window_state = 'main'

# player selection.
player = ''
code_classes.users_choise = player

# Fuction to draw text on screen.
def show_text(text, font, text_color, x, y):
    text_img = font.render(text, True, text_color)
    window.blit(text_img, (x, y))

# main game loop.
app = True # Sets the varabile app to True.
while app: # Creates a while loop.
    # fills the root_window with black.
    window.blit(background, (0, 0))

    # chech game state.
    if window_state == 'main': # if window_state varabile is 'main' run code below.
        show_text('Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock', title_font, green, 180, 10) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text('Please make a selection', title_font, green, 255, 40) # Puts text on the screen.
        if play_button.draw_button(window): # Puts button on screen.
            window_state = 'play' # Changes the window_state varabile to 'play'
        if info_button.draw_button(window): # Puts button on screen.
            window_state = 'info' # Changes the window_state varabile to 'info'
        if exit_button.draw_button(window): # Puts button on screen.
            app = False # Sets the varabile app to False and close the while loop exiting the game.
    if window_state == 'play': # if window_state varabile is 'main' run code below.
        player_choise = ''
        show_text('Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock', title_font, green, 180, 10) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text('Please make a selection', title_font, green, 255, 40) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text(f'Score = {code_classes.score_str()}', socre_font, green, 650, 510) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text(f'{code_classes.statement}', game_bf, green,300, 375)
        if main_menu_button.draw_button(window): # Puts button on screen.
            window_state = 'main' # Changes the window_state varabile to 'main'
        if exit_button1.draw_button(window): # Puts button on screen.
           app = False # Sets the varabile app to False and close the while loop exiting the game.
        if rock_button.draw_button(window): # Puts button on screen.
            player_choise = 'Rock'
        if paper_button.draw_button(window): # Puts button on screen.
            player_choise = 'Paper'
        if scissors_button.draw_button(window): # Puts button on screen.
            player_choise = 'Scissors'
        if lizard_button.draw_button(window): # Puts button on screen.
            player_choise = 'Lizard'
        if spock_button.draw_button(window): # Puts button on screen.
            player_choise = 'Spock'
        if player_choise:
            computer_choise = code_classes.pick()
            check_win = code_classes.Check_Win(player_choise, computer_choise)
            winner = check_win.player_Win()
            statement = check_win.statments_to_return(winner)
            player_choise = ''

    if window_state == 'info': # if window_state varabile is 'main' run code below.
        show_text('Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock', title_font, green, 180, 10) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text('THE RULES ARE AS FOLLOWS:', title_font, green, 250, 80) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text('The user will pick one of the following: Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard or Spock.', title_bf, green, 25, 110) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text('The computer will than randomly make a choise.', title_bf, green, 175, 130) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text('HOW TO WIN:', title_font, green, 325, 200) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text('Rock beats scissors and lizard.', title_bf, green, 250, 220) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text('Paper beats rock and disproves Spock.', title_bf, green, 225, 240) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text('Scissors cuts paper and decapitates lizard.', title_bf, green, 200, 260) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text('Lizard eats paper and poisons Spock.', title_bf, green, 225, 280) # Puts text on the screen.
        show_text('Spock vaporizes rock and smashes scissors.', title_bf, green, 200, 300) # Puts text on the screen.
        if main_menu_button.draw_button(window): # Puts button on screen.
            window_state = 'main' # Changes the window_state varabile to 'main'
        if exit_button1.draw_button(window): # Puts button on screen.
            app = False # Sets the varabile app to False and close the while loop exiting the game.
    # handles events
    for event in pygame.event.get(): # Looks for and get events from pygame.
        if event.type == pygame.QUIT: # If the event is equal to pygame quit event exacute code below.
            app = False # Sets the varabile app to False and close the while loop exiting the game.

    # updates the game window.
    pygame.display.update() #update game display

# Quits pygame when loop exits. 

下面是我用来创建按钮的代码。该类被导入到 GUI.py 中。

# Game Imports. 
import pygame
# Creats a class for making a button in pygame.
class Button:
    def __init__(self, x, y, image, scale):
        # Gets the image width and set it to variable image_width
        image_width = image.get_width()
        # Gets the image height and set it to variable image_height
        image_height = image.get_height()
        # Sets the scale of the image using transform.scale by multipling the image varables by a decimal and asigns the image to a variable image.
        self.image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (int(image_width * scale), int(image_height * scale))) # You have to set your math to an int pygame will crash if your code returns a float.
        # Sets the image on a pygame rect object.
        self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
        # Sets the top left conor of the rect object to x, y position.
        self.rect.topleft = (x, y)
        # Sets the button clicked value to False (button clicked off).
        self. clicked = False

    # Defines a new fuction under the Button class.
    def draw_button(self, surface):
        action = False
        # Gets the mouse positon.
        pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()

        # Checks if the mouse is over a button and in button was clicked.
        if self.rect.collidepoint(pos):
            # checks if the left [0] mouse button was clicked and only lets the button be click if clicked is False.
            if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] == 1 and self.clicked == False:
                # When letf mouse button click set the click varable to True and stops the mouse from clicking again.
                self.clicked = True
                action = True

            # Reset the clicked varable to False when left mouse button is released.
            if pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0] == 0:
                self.clicked = False       

        # Draws the botton on the window.  
        surface.blit(self.image, (self.rect.x, self.rect.y))

        return action


import random # This imports the module for generating random numbers.

'''Below are Varables for the game. '''
computers_choise = ''
users_choise = ''
score = 0
win = 0
statement = 'Make a Choise' 

win_statement = 'You Won'
lose_statement = 'You lost'
tie_statement = 'You have tied'

'''Below is a list of choise for the user and computer to use.'''
rpsls = ['Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors', 'Lizard', 'Spock']

def score_str():
    score_string = str(score)
    return score_string

def pick():
    pick = random.randrange(5)
    computers_choise = rpsls[pick]
    return computers_choise

def users_choise():
    return users_choise.capitalize()

class Check_Win:
    def __init__(self, users_choise, computers_choise):
        self.computers_choise = computers_choise
        self.users_choise = users_choise

    def player_Win(self):
        win = 0
        if (self.users_choise == 'Rock'):
            if (self.computers_choise == 'Scissors'):
                win += 1
            elif (self.computers_choise == 'Lizard'):
                win += 1
            elif (self.users_choise == self.computers_choise):
                win += 1.5
        elif (self.users_choise == 'Paper'):
            if (self.computers_choise == 'Rock'):
                win += 1
            elif (self.computers_choise == 'Spock'):
                win += 1
            elif (self.users_choise == self.computers_choise):
                win += 1.5
        elif (self.users_choise == 'Scissors'):
            if (self.computers_choise == 'Paper'):
                win += 1
            elif (self.computers_choise == 'Lizard'):
                win += 1
            elif (self.users_choise == self.computers_choise):
                win += 1.5
        elif (self.users_choise == 'Lizard'):
            if (self.computers_choise == 'Paper'):
                win += 1
            elif (self.computers_choise == 'Spock'):
                win += 1
            elif (self.users_choise == self.computers_choise):
                win += 1.5
        elif (self.users_choise == 'Spock'):
            if (self.computers_choise == 'Rock'):
                win += 1
            elif (self.computers_choise == 'Scissors'):
                win += 1
            elif (self.users_choise == self.computers_choise):
                win += 1.5
                return "What the hell"       
        return win
    def add_score(self, win):
        global score

        self.win = win 
        if win == 1:
          score += 1
        return score

    def statments_to_return(self, win):
        global statement
        self.win = win 
        if win == 1:
            win = 0
            statement = win_statement
            return statement
        elif win == 1.5:
            win = 0
            statement = tie_statement
            return statement
            statement = lose_statement
            return statement

if __name__ == '__main__': # This says if this is the main program run everything if not do not print. 
    computers_choise = pick()

我已经提供了所有代码,因为我不确定问题是否出在 GUI、主程序或按钮中。

python pygame







  • handle_event(event)
    for event in pygame.event.get():
    self.clicked = True
    self.hovered = True
  • draw()
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