[PHP CRUD博客更新后无意中从MySQL删除了图像文件名

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我似乎无法重新定义此变量$ featured_image =“”;如果我用新图像,旧图像更新博客文章或将其保留为空白,那么我最终会丢失MySQL中的原始图像名称,从而从博客文章中删除该图像。实际文件仍位于正确的文件夹中,而MySQL仅缺少文件名。问题的部分原因是我无法定义数据库中的现有文件名。谢谢!

// Post variables
$post_id = 0;
$isEditingPost = false;
$published = 0;
$title = "";
$post_slug = "";
$body = "";
$featured_image = ""; // <-- there's the culprit
$post_topic = "";

// lots of other functions omitted for clarity
function editPost($role_id)
    global $conn, $title, $post_slug, $body, $published, $isEditingPost, $post_id;
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM posts WHERE id=$role_id LIMIT 1";
    $result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
    $post = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result);
    // set form values on the form to be updated
    $title = $post['title'];
    $body = $post['body'];
    $published = $post['published'];

function updatePost($request_values)
    global $conn, $errors, $post_id, $title, $featured_image, $topic_id, $body, $published;

    $title = esc($request_values['title']);
    $body = esc($request_values['body']);
    $post_id = esc($request_values['post_id']);
    if (isset($request_values['topic_id']))
        $topic_id = esc($request_values['topic_id']);
    // create slug: if title is "The Storm Is Over", return "the-storm-is-over" as slug
    $post_slug = makeSlug($title);

    if (empty($title))
        array_push($errors, "Post title is required");
    if (empty($body))
        array_push($errors, "Post body is required");
    // if new featured image has been provided
    if (isset($_POST['featured_image']))
        // Get image name
        $featured_image = $_FILES['featured_image']['name'];

        // somewhere around here I need an else statement to not overwrite the existing
        //file name stored in mysql. The global variable is defined as "" and that is
        //overriding the existing file. Also, if i try to upload a new file or the
        //original, it won't take either.

        // image file directory
        $target = "../static/images/" . basename($featured_image);
        if (!move_uploaded_file($_FILES['featured_image']['tmp_name'], $target))
            array_push($errors, "Failed to upload image. Please check file settings for your server");

    // register topic if there are no errors in the form
    if (count($errors) == 0)
        $query = "UPDATE posts SET title='$title', slug='$post_slug', views=0, image='$featured_image', body='$body', published=$published, updated_at=now() WHERE id=$post_id";
        // attach topic to post on post_topic table
        if (mysqli_query($conn, $query))
        { // if post created successfully
            if (isset($topic_id))
                $inserted_post_id = mysqli_insert_id($conn);
                // create relationship between post and topic
                $sql = "INSERT INTO post_topic (post_id, topic_id) VALUES($inserted_post_id, $topic_id)";
                mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
                $_SESSION['message'] = "Post created successfully";
                header('location: posts.php');
        $_SESSION['message'] = "Post updated successfully";
        header('location: posts.php');

php mysql blogs


  1. 您正在使用mysqli库,这使您容易受到SQL注入攻击的攻击。为了防止这种情况,您应该use prepared statements and parameterized queries

  2. 一方面,您正在寻找$_POST['featured_image']

    if (isset($_POST['featured_image']))


    // Get image name
    $featured_image = $_FILES['featured_image']['name'];


function updatePost($request_values)



$query = "UPDATE posts SET title='$title', slug='$post_slug', views=0, image='$featured_image', body='$body', published=$published, updated_at=now() WHERE id=$post_id";


$query = "UPDATE posts SET title='$title', slug='$post_slug', views=0, " . ( strlen($featured_image) ? "image='$featured_image', " : '' ) . "body='$body', published=$published, updated_at=now() WHERE id=$post_id";

无论如何,您确实需要更改代码以使用PDO library之类的东西以及参数化查询来防止SQL注入攻击。

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