Unit_name 1

问题描述 投票:0回答:1


1. 材料单位。

id | Unit_name
1  | Nos.
2  | lts

2. 材料表。

id | Material_name
1  | bricks
2  | Cement

3. Grn表。

id | material_id | qty | unit
1  | 1           | 100 |   1
2  | 2           | 500 |   1
3  | 2           | 100 |   1
4  | 1           | 200 |   1

4. 消耗表。

id | material_id | qty | unit
1  | 1           | 50  |   1
2  | 2           | 100 |   1


Material Name | Unit | Total Qty | Total Consumed Qty | Stock
Bricks        | Nos. | 300       | 50                 | 250
Cement        | Nos. | 600       | 100                | 500



I am new to SQL and did tried but stuck at this point and need help.

Select sm.material_name as 'Material Name', mu.unit_name as 'Unit Name' , sum(g.qty) as 'Total Qty' from grn g
JOIN material_table.sm ON g.material_id = sm.id
JOIN material_unit.mu ON g.unit = mu.id

GROUP by material_name

sql join union-all sql-query-store
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