为什么 gnuplot epslatex tex 文件产生错误的图形?序言不兼容?

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When using the gnuplot epslatex terminal the associated TeX file creates overlapping plot text (axis/key/labels) with a tbcolrgb1,1,1 line. The eps file is as expected. Error indicated to be with \define color and or encoding in gnuplot TeX file. 

As the user is not supposed to worry about the generated gnuplot TeX file, I am at a loss as to what the problem is.  

I have tried the epslatex monochrome option to no avail as with specifying the encoding in gnuplot TeX and main TeX document. Reinstalled both MiKTeX and gnuplot (5.4 level 6) several times. Ran code with TeXmaker, Overleaf and TeXworks with same results.

gnuplot 大小变化说明了问题 设置终端推送 设置终端 epslatex 尺寸 10.5 厘米 #设置终端wxt 设置输出 'Run3DimC.tex' # f(x) = 1/(2sqrt(pid))exp(-1(1-x)**2/(4*d)) 使用 1:2 通过 d 拟合 f(x) "Run3.dat" 设置 xlabel "无量纲时间" 设置 ylabel“无量纲浓度” 设置 xrange [0:2] 设置 yrange [0:4] 使用 1:2 线型 7 线色 -1 标题“Run 3”绘制“Run3.dat”,
f(x) lc -1 标题“适合” 设置输出 设置终端弹出 pause -1 "点击返回继续" # # 清理:重置参数默认值 # 重置

TeX main document        
\documentclass[12pt,letterpaper]{文章} \usepackage[cp1252]{输入} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{颜色} 开始{文档} egin{图}[h]
graphics gnuplot
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