
问题描述 投票:0回答:1



select A.*, Case when current='Y' then (case when start_date='20190101' then 'NEW' else 'Is' end) else 'Gone' end as status
from DataSource A
join (
select A.ID from IDsOfInterest A join DataSource B on A.ID=B.ID
where (current='Y' and start_date='20190101') or end_date='20190101'
group by a.id
) B on A.ID=B.ID
where (current='Y') or end_date='20190101'

per comment, sample data. Assume ID 1 exists in table IDsOfInterest:
Table DataSource:
ID, current, start_date, end_date, data, note
1, 'N', 20180101, 20180201, A, Disappears
1, 'N', 20180101, 20180201, B, Changes
1, 'Y', 20180201, 99991231, B, Changed
1, 'N', 20180101, 20190101, C, Recently Gone
1, 'Y', 20180101, 99991231, D, Always there
1, 'N', 20180101, 20190101, E, Recently Changes
1, 'Y', 20190101, 99991231, E, Recently Changed

Query results:
1, 'Y', 20180201, 99991231, B, Changed, Is
1, 'N', 20180101, 20190101, C, Recently Gone, Gone
1, 'Y', 20180101, 99991231, D, Always there, Is
1, 'N', 20180101, 20190101, E, Recently Changes, Gone
1, 'Y', 20190101, 99991231, E, Recently Changed, NEW
sql netezza



with A as (
  select * from DataSource 
   where (current='Y' and start_date='20190101') or end_date='20190101'))
select A.*, Case when current='Y' then (case when start_date='20190101' 
               then 'NEW' else 'Is' end) else 'Gone' end as status
  from A
  join (
select I.ID from IDsOfInterest I join A on I.ID=A.ID
 group by a.id 
) B on A.ID=B.ID
where current='Y' or end_date='20190101'


with A as (
  select * from DataSource 
   where (current='Y' and start_date='20190101') or end_date='20190101'))
select A.*, Case when current='Y' then (case when start_date='20190101' 
               then 'NEW' else 'Is' end) else 'Gone' end as status
 from A
where current='Y' or end_date='20190101'
  and ID in (select distinct I.ID from IDsOfInterest I join A on I.ID=A.ID) 


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